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The second day of hunting trip went soothingly, because of the fact Aura didn't bothered the newly wed couple. They both had a great time hunting, as well as they had time to know each other more. Their baby bobo was getting well, and Baekhyun was smiling whole day , watching the small snow ball sleeping, while he was feeding his bobo baby and when he took him in his hands to pat his white fur. He was happy but someone was really jealous of the attention their bobo was getting, after baekhyun put their baby to sleep he went to husband, who was in his night ware and massaged his shoulders and kissed his forehead when his husband fall asleep while is was massaging his forehead. He said his good night and slept next to him. The next day they went back to the palace. As they reached palace, Chanyeol left for morning court assembly and after that he went to train his special warriors.


The two day trip was a roller coaster ride for him, after this trip I am cleared my brain and I am completely ready to move head in future. As I reached our chamber when one maid informed me that Queen mother will be arriving in an hour.

I decided to prepare for her welcome. When she reached I couldn't hold of happiness. As she reached the place where I was standing I hugged her.

" I missed you so much mommy, I was left alone without you". I said while kissing her cheeks.

" haha..... My baby, I missed you too, was chanyeol too busy that he didn't even remembered his beautiful bride " she said while kissing my cheeks.

" Mommy, he has a lot of duties and I understand " I said.

" baek we are blessed to have you, no one can be better than you for my son and for the future queen post " she said. I was smiling when I heard the little feets sound that we're running towards us.

" Grandma, you fogot me " A little child came to my view, I could see his resemblance to chanyeol. He had the same eyes like him.

" Baby  I didn't forget you, I was talking to you uncles wife, you wanted to meet you uncle, say hi to him " he said.

He looked up to me with his big and beautiful eyes and opened his hands as a sign for me to take carry him.I bend down and took him in my arms.

" Grandma, Uncle so pwetty, he so bautiful " he said in his broken language.

I could only laugh at his cuteness. Mommy was also laughing at him.

" Baby nice to meet you, "I  said while kissing his cheeks. He was blushing. So cute.

" Baek, meet Xavier, my grandson and your nephew. You could see the resemblance, he is yoora's son." Mommy said and I nodded.

" Xavier and mommy you must be tired, lunch is ready and mommy you could rest after lunch as it was long journey, I will take care of xavier, let's go mommy " I said.

" My God why didnt I found you earlier, baek you brought happiness to this big palace and now I won't be alone after yoora left me, I have a loving daughter once again" mommy said with teary eyes.

" Mommy no crying, okay. You are tired and crying will make you more tired. I am more blessed that I was blessed with a mother like you ,mom " I said and I took her hand in my hand and we left for lunch.

We had lunch we're she told me about her experience, I was feeding xavier as he was clutched to me like a koala. After lunch I went to mother room and stayed there until she slept and took Xavier with me to our chamber as he fall asleep in my arms.

I laid down him on our bed and went to fed bobo, who was better and fell asleep after lunch and I decided to lay beside xavier.
I didnt realised when how long I slept , but I woke up because two little hands we're on my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and saw xavier looking with his beautiful eyes at me. I made him sit in my lap.

" Baby had a great nap " I asked.
He nodded

He asked about bobo and I told him, he asked me to take him to bobo and he kissed him so that he can get well soon. I never saw such a sweet child like him.

We were both busy that we didnt saw that someone entered our chamber. I turned around to see chanyeol standing near the door and smiling while looking at us.

" Uncle hello " he said and I let him on the ground and he ran to chanyeol's arms.

" hello, xavieee, how are you " he asked.

" I'm pine, uncle " he said and we both chuckled.

" Chanyeol you must be tried, would like to change and then we could go for dinner and meet mother? " I asked

" Yes, Darling" he said while handing xavier to me.  I changed xaviers cloths into his night water as chanyeol came after changing into more comfortable cloths.

" let's go " I said as I had xavier clutched to my waist.

" Do you know how jealous I am right now, BoBo and now xaviee everyone wants to take you away from me " he said while pouting. What a view ^_^ (I thought )

" Chanyeol, you always get my attention let's my baby bobo and xaviee also get some. And I am married to you and will be here with till the end of this world." I said as I kissed his cheeks.

We reached dining hall and was about the take our seats when xaviee said the most unexpected thing.

" Grandma, I will marrie Baekiee uncle when I will be biggg like chan uncle " he said while kissing me on my lips. I smiled at him while grandma and chanyeol we're both laughing.

" You can't marry him xaviee, he's mine and he will be old by the time you grow up " Chanyeol said.

" Uncle you are jeaouls, I will still marrie my baekiee " he said while staring at him.

" I will marry you too xaviee " I said he starting dancing in my lap and we all had a great time while having dinner.

After dinner mommy took xavier with him as he fell asleep after dinner. Mommy wanted to have him as she said " I get lonely ".

We both were in our room, I checked bobo and saw chanyeol coming out of the closet in his nightwear as I was already in my night gown.

He back hugged me and had his nose in my hairs and I could feel his strong grip around my waist.

" Everyone wants to take you always from me, I won't let anyone take you away, you are mine and always.  I love you " he said. I was shocked in his confession

" I love you too chanyeol and no one is taking me away, I will always stay with you " I said as I turned around and kissed his nose.

He leaned closer and kissed my forehead and lips. We laid down in our beds, and we both were talking about our childhood.  Suddenly he leaned closer and kissed me , it was a sweet kiss and I started kissing him back. I felt my  body was turning hot and I had weird feeling in my stomach, we were slowly moving our lips against each other, tasting the sweetness of each other mouth.
He slowly moved to my jaw to my neck, kissing me slowly. I turned my head to give him more exposure. After that he again kissed me on my lips.

" night baek, I love you " he said as he pulled me closer to his chest.

" love you too yeol" he smiled and pecked my lips and we fall asleep in each others arm.

On the other side

Aura was planning her master plan to broke apart the new couple. She was laughing like a crazy women.

Have a good day,
Hope you enjoy it and stay safe.
Lots of love.

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