Fireflies •||• Iwaoi

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This is I kinda like my last one.
But theyre both like 11 ;p


Iwaizumi was running around in the cornfields chasing Oikawa. Oikawa had killed a spider instead of putting it outside. Now Iwaizumi was trying to figure out why someone would do such a thing, but still chasing Oikawa.

Oikawa came to a stop in the middle of the field making Iwaizumi stop.

Iwaizumi stopped when he looked up and saw fireflies buzzing around everywhere. There had to be at least a hundred.

"Iwa-chan what bugs are those?"

"Fireflies baka!"
Oikawa frowned at the 'baka' but quickly recovered when Iwaizumi gave Oikawa a small jar.

"Whoever can catch the most wins!"

Iwaizumi had already caught 3.
Oikawa sighed but ran up and tried to catch some. Of course, he failed.


"Iwa-chan I can't catch anything!.."
Oikawa looked at his empty jar and frowned. Iwaizumi screwed the lid on his jar and walked over to Oikawa. Iwaizumi placed his hands on Oikawa's and frowned with a stern face.

"Yes you can, You're Oikawa Tooru!You can do anything..."
Oikawa blushed slightly and smiled.

"Awh...Iwa-chan cares about me!~"

"Of course I do dummy.."
Oikawa acted surprised but smiled. Oikawa dropped his jar and pulled Iwaizumi into a hug. Surprisingly, Iwaizumi hugged back. Oikawa kissed Iwaizumi on the cheek and started to run back home.

"See ya Iwa-chan!~"






- Akihiko :>

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