Empty Text Messages

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I checked my phone again, still no reply. I texted Cameron apologizing for kissing him, and begging him to let my sister go to a taping of jessie, it was two days ago. Nothing. He must be mad or have forgotten me. I hope he didn't forget.

"Did he reply?" Cara asked for the millionth time.

"Nope." I replied. she groans in frustration and storms out of the room. As soon as she leaves the room my phone buzzes. I check the screen.

It's alright, tapings for Jessie are actually over for the season. Meet me for a movie tomorrow? Like at 3?

"Mom can I meet a friend for a movie tomorrow?" I yell.

"What friend?" My mom yells from the kitchen.

"Um..... Ellie." I say lying. My mom never technically met Cameron, and I don't want to go through the 5 million questions she would have, especially about how we met in the first place.

"Sure, what time?" She says immediately. The fact that I just went through a breakup might have made her decision a lot easier.



I reply to cameron.

Yeah my mom said I could go, same movie theater right?

A minute later my phone buzzed again

From: Cameronnn

I sigh happily then throw my phone on the couch. A grin creeps its way onto my face.

I get to see cameron again.

I just hope that he doesn't hate me.


I tap my fingers against my arm. Its 3:00, Cameron and I texted each other late last night to figure out what movie we wanted to see. We decided on a Comedy. 

When my father left my mother last year for some other woman I had become really anxious. It was like I was always on edge, waiting for another bad thing to happen. I was really restless, and I could never sit still. 

It went away when Griffin and I started dating, but as of last night Im an anxious, finger tapping girl.

I look down to check my phone.

"Hey." A voice says behind me.

He has a hat and glasses on to disguise his face, but I can tell its Cameron.

"Hi." I say. I was about to apologize for the kiss again when he embraced me in a huge bear hug.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted when you kissed me, I just dont handle relationships well, and I want us to be friends." He says in my ear.


Just like that.

Better than him hating me I guess.

I plaster a smile on my face.

"Friends then." I says. We talk about random stuff like our favorite foods and colors while we walk into the movie theater.

Just as the movie is starting Cameron leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Haley, I just want you to know that even though I just met you, I feel like I really know you, like call me cliche or whatever but i do."

Instead of responding I just smile, I guess having him as a friend is a good thing considering I dont have Kass anymore. 

Kass, my best friend sine the start of middle school had been accepted into some school for really smartrt kids at the beginning of her freshman year last year and I never see her anymore. SO pretty much for a good majority of the school year, I had spent it by myself, with Griffin, or acting with the occasional dance combination here or there.

I didnt really pay attention to the movie, I was too absorbed in my own thouhgts, but when I saw Cameron laughing I would join in.

After the movie Itexted my mom to pick me up but she said she couldnt get me for another hour so Cam and I walked around the mall, trying to avoid crowded areas.

"Thanks for tinviting me to the movies." I say.

"Hey no problem, we should hang out again soon, next time not at a movie theater though, cause I actually enjoy talking to you." He says. I smile.

My phone buzzed, it was my mom.  She was here.

"Hey my moms here, Ill see you later." I say giving Cameron a hug before I turn to walk out of the mall.

"Bye Haley." He says holding on to the hug longer than usual.

"You ok?" I say pulling back from the hug. I look into his eyes. Suddenly he leans in and kisses me. I pull back surprised.

"WHAT?" I ask. He backs away, looking veery upset.

"You told me that we would just be friends."

"I know I just...........


Cliff hanger!!!!! Sorry I havent updated in a while, I was grounded and then Midterms took up a lot of my time.

For any of you guys that have read my other stories Crazy and Dont Look Back, I want to thank you all for commenting and voting, I love reading comments on my stories including this one. I love hearing what you guys like and some of you are so funny, you make my day and put a smile on my face.

In other news, I just had a friend of mine try to seriously harm himself, and I want to make sure this never happens to anybody if I can help it, so if you ever need to talk to anyone please message me, I love you guys so much.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, there with be more coming soon, including an update on my story Pan sometime soon



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