LOVE INTEREST: Taken, but I don't remember his name
APPEARANCE: Jaco van den Hoven
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PERSONALITY: Ian is a very nervous and anxious individual, constantly doubting himself and the things around him. He is very strictly Christian, as that was how he was raised and it's a huge part of his identity. He relies on his Faith to guide him through hard times and he trusts in God to see him through to the end. He wants to be a good person and he tries desperately to be one, but he constantly second guesses himself and questions if he is a good person or not. He doesn't take challenges to his beliefs very well and can become defensive about his Faith a lot of the time, but that's mostly because he's used to people treating his religion as if it's ridiculous or foolish. He gets extremely upset when people talk shit about his religion and it distresses him a great deal, as his Faith has helped him through so much and is so ingrained into him. He isn't very pushy when it comes to his religion, but he asks people to keep an open mind and he does pray for people fairly frequently. He does believe in sin and he feels badly for the people who, in his eyes, commit sin. He believes in modesty and thinks that people shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage. He doesn't believe in evolution. He doesn't think that anyone should have more than one romantic or sexual partner. He doesn't understand people who don't believe in God and he especially doesn't understand people who are polytheist or pagan. He tries not to be rude about it, but it does make him uncomfortable. He's largely against tattoos and abortion. He is homophobic, but not in a direct way, he simply believes that homosexuality is wrong and sinful. Due to these beliefs, he has so much internalized homophobia that distresses him greatly. He refuses to acknowledge the fact that he is gay and heavily represses his sexuality, refusing to think about it. He has sexual urges towards men and it absolutely terrifies him. He often prays to be cured of these desires and for something to "fix' him. He hates himself for his thoughts and urges. He sometimes has his doubts about his Faith or about sin and he always feels awful for having these doubts. He hates himself for doubting and feels like he is somehow a bad Christian for daring to doubt or question. He doesn't believe in magick or anything of the sort and the concept of witchcraft makes him deeply uncomfortable. He gets uncomfortable whenever he meets someone who challenges his beliefs, but he tries to be kind to even people he views as "sinners". He just is a ball of anxiety, doubt, and fear.
POWERS: He has extremely uncontrollable magic
BACKSTORY: He was raised by a father who was a pastor and who instilled to him the idea of his personal "Christian values". He was very strict, but loved Ian very much. Ian only found out about his true heritage very recently and this is his first time at Camp.