Chapter 1

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No one noticed at first.

Of course, it wasn't very obvious at first, as neither had been in love.

The beginning of the events occured when Sans had opened a window he shouldn't have. One fateful night, under the moons watchful eye, Sans had committed a sin. He let a serial killer into his home.

With the brisk breeze flowing in behind him, Toby stood, his ruffled brown hair bouncing against his scalp as he looked down at the short skeleton.

They were strangers at that time, Toby's hidden eyes behind his orange goggles connecting with Sans' eye lights for the first time in their lives. It wasn't a look of love, not at first. In fact, it was one of confusion.

It was too obvious that Toby commited sins that resulted in death. Blood clung to his clothes as his high levels did his L.O.V.E, tainting his figure to others eyes.

But Sans was different. He judged accordingly. Not on stats, not on blood, but how both were obtained. And thus, Sans saw who Toby really was. How he killed those who needed death, how he worked for another that had saved his life. The true Toby was what Sans saw, resulting in him opening the window to guide the other to safety.

"In here!" Sans had persisted.

The sirens wailed past the house, searching for a killer on the streets that was no longer outside. Since Toby had retreated inside, they wouldn't see him, believing the man to be elsewhere.

And so, Toby had been hidden from the police.

The question lingered on the boys tongue, soon delivered to the air in a short burst of breath.

"Why w-would you hide m-me?"

The stutter was apparent, his muscles jerking as he spoke. The hatchet on his back didn't bother to hide what crimes he had just committed.

Their conversation was as quick as Toby's stay. Short, but unforgettable. The clock mounted on Sans' wall barely ticked a few minutes before Sans was bidding a goodbye to their first meeting. The words of Sans rang through Toby's head as the clock did, his footsteps oddly light as they danced throughout his mind.

"Because," Sans had spoken, his teeth twisting into a soft smile, "You hurt those who hurt others. You judged them and found them guilty for hurting you. Is there really any shame in that? I would have done the same."

That was far from their last encounter, however. Although the two had continued their daily lives without a word spoken about the other, their thoughts ran rampant with the occurrence in mind. To Toby, Sans had been the skeleton who saved his life. To Sans, Toby had been the man who was wrongly accused.

Sans never did like the law enforcement. When it came to judging a child of their sins, and protecting others, they ultimately failed. It would always be up to Sans in the end, his knowledge expanding past theirs in ways they couldn't comprehend. That was the problem with being a judge, only he could truly see what people were good or bad.

Their second meeting was just as short, even shorter than the first. On one side of the street walked Sans, his blue hoodie bouncing in rhythm with his brothers steps. On the other had been Toby, walking along side an orange hooded man Sans couldn't bother to identify. The two made eye contact, and a soft smile was served between them without any other actions. And so, the two continued, Sans listening to Papyrus' rants about spaghetti and Toby pressing on with the silence between him and his friend. Neither spoke or made any indications of knowing the other, and both were fine with that. They were at opposite spectrums of life, after all, their lives simply weren't meant to mix. And against the odds the world had given them, their stories continued to intermingle until it was the same story.

A third meeting was unknown to one of them. Sans had stumbled across a dead body on the way home, finding Toby standing above them as he silently cleaned his hatchet. Just as silent Sans left, a knowing smile melting from his face to its usual look. No crimes were reported that night; after all, wasn't Sans too lazy to bother reporting any sort of murder?

The fourth meeting was intentional. Toby had arrived at the house on the brim of a sunset, standing on the other side of the street in hesitance. It had been Sans that noticed and called the brown haired boy over, inviting him in. After leftovers of Grillby's was eaten, and a discussion wafted through the air just as the scent of burgers did, they shared the night together before Toby had to leave.

After that, it just set off. Months passed, meetings popping up constantly. Some days they walked multiple hours, other times they bumped into each other on the street and would walk together. Hours turned into days, phone numbers slipping into each others hand so they could extend their meetings over text. Sans would sit next to Papyrus on the couch, unknown to his brother that he was texting the very man that had killed his neighbor. Toriel would peak in when Sans chuckled at his phone, assuming that the silly skeleton had found another pun on reddit he would share with her later, ignorant to the fact that Toby himself had actually sent the pun. Meanwhile, Toby would lie in his bed, eagerly awaiting for Sans' response to his pun that he had spent all day thinking of. Masky, one of his fellow proxies, would walk past his room and look in. He would spend a moment wondering why Toby was on his phone so much lately, before he would be thankful for the lack of his annoying words and hurry away.

The feelings had developed in Toby first. Naturally they had, this was the first time Toby had the chance to experience a romantic interest in another. It soon grew and blossomed such as the flowers within his hands had, the man's trembling hands holding them out.

The flowers were stolen, Toby couldn't buy them. He would have to ask for money from his boss, then he would have to explain why he would need money. No one knew about Sans from Toby's world, just as no one knew about Toby from Sans'. Toby hadn't really known how to make the other love him, resorting to the traditional means of 'pretty' flowers a search on google delivered. The flowers were old, ranging in colors, a few even withering just as Toby's soul had when Sans stared at them, wordless.

However, the skeleton still accepted them, giving a soft smile to the other as he always did.

A date followed, the two sharing a night together under the stars with poorly made sandwiches made by Sans. Usually Sans would never cook, but for Toby, he did anyway, trying his best (yet failing) to create sandwiches for a picnic. They were sloppy, the overwhelming amount of ketchup seeping from the sides and onto both of their laps. Yet, Toby still ate it, because it had come from Sans.

That's where problems in their stories started showing to the others in their lives. The origin of Sans' flowers in a vase on his counter were questioned by Papyrus, Sans stuttering up an excuse from being caught off guard. The search history of romantic gifts remained on Toby's computer when another killer had used it, Toby too stumbling through a poorly made lie to hide the true intentions behind his searches.

Nevertheless, the two continued in their forbidden romance, meeting under the shadows of night to cover their dates. Gifts were more thoroughly hidden, Sans concluding to hide Toby's gifts in his basement to prevent suspicion, and Toby using excuses of stolen property to suddenly explain his increased amount of food and items. It worked for the two during a period of time, Sans covering the items with a blanket whenever his friends made an appearance at his house, and Toby cramming things under his mattress if they were too condemning of their activities.

That was until their cover had been ripped from them. It was a good attempt on both parts, but a single misplaced letter by Sans crashed their reality as they had known it.

It wasn't even in the open. Sans didn't have enough time to scramble downstairs to hide it with the other items, instead cramming it into a nearby drawer before welcoming his guests.

The drawer was open. Just a tiny little smidge, that was it. A single fracture of air between the two pieces of wood broke like a dam when Undyne noticed, pulling it open to reveal the crinkled letter from Toby.

And just like that, the information was out as she read it, a grin pushing her lips to reveal her sharp teeth. Sans noticed when he turned, eye sockets peeling back in fear when he realized his mistake.

The thin barrier between CreepyPasta and monsters had just been broken.

A Misplaced Note (TicciSans)Where stories live. Discover now