Chapter 6

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The distant sound of the city continued outside, cars humming past the window. A dog parking could be heard, a train rolling in the background. The T.V was playing in the room, but was lost to the sounds of their own conversation.

Sans and Toby would admit they were both love struck by one another. They had good chemistry, though, who could blame them? Toby had very fluffy hair, the type that Sans liked running his phalanges through. Sans was short, allowing for Toby to scoop him up into hugs. Toby really liked hugs, as did Sans.

The two lovers were curled onto the bed, bodies pressed together. Sans' hands dug through Toby's hair while Toby's arms clutched the back of his blue hoodie, holding him as close as possible.

"Missed you," Sans hummed out, pinching a piece of hair between his fingers. "A lot."

"S-Same," Toby agreed, resting his forehead against Sans'. "I couldn't t-t-t-text you, I had to get a n-n-n-new phone."

"I figured, they took your number off of my phone while I had been asleep. They even blocked you and deleted your messages without asking me," Sans mumbled, "I should get your email, too, just in case."

"Good i-idea..."

Although they had only been away for one day from each other, the sheer threat of being split apart had taken its toll. If this had occurred in their first or second month of dating, the threat wouldn't have been as impactful. However, this was over a year into their relationship, and they had grown rather close over that time. With each month that had passed, the fear of being split apart grew more and more until the scare had them grasping each other for comforting hugs and kisses.

"I'll probably be staying in this hotel for awhile," Sans whispered, "We agreed it'd be more safe, and we agreed they shouldn't come over so much in case they were followed."

"That's g-g-good," Toby said, "We don't want T-Toby to come and f-f-f-f-find you, that'd suck..."

"It really would," Sans replied, "If he happened to sneak in through my living room window while I was sleeping, and happened to... do things to me..."

Both of their gazes lingered towards the others mouths.

"Yeah, i-it would be a shame... i-i-if Toby broke in while you had been sleeping and y-you found yourself in a s-situation..."

They both leaned forward slightly, letting their mouths connect in the middle. Sans' hands trailed down from Toby's hair, grasping the back of his neck to pull him closer and-


Toby gently sat up on the back of his elbows, looking over at Sans.

"What?" Sans asked.

"What if y-you... you came w-w-with me?" Toby asked, leaning against the pillows. "I mean, we can run a-a-away together."

"Run away?" Sans asked, following him up onto his elbows. "Like, from everyone? You sure?"

"Yeah!" Toby said, "So I-I don't have to kill people a-a-anymore, and you d-d-d-don't have to worry about trying to hide me. We c-could wait a f-f-few months then, once my p-proxy role fades off, w-w-we can explain to Papyrus why I didn't have any choice. Send him updates a-and stuff, just for a bit... I know you don't want t-t-to leave him, but it'd help us b-both get away for a bit so we can b-b-be together."

"That... That's actually... " Sans climbed out of his bed.

"What are y-you-"

"I actually planned this a bit ago, like, a few months back," Sans explained, pulling out his laptop onto the desk in the corner of the room. "I transferred a lot of my money to a separate account that Papyrus doesn't know about, and I have a few hotels pulled up awhile away in the middle of cities that we could go to, away from the forest, and pretty far away from here. So your Boss couldn't find you, and your proxy servitude to him would fade off in that time, He wouldn't know where you've gone, Paps wouldn't know where I've gone, and that'd be it."

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