Chapter 2

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It took no time before everyone was upon Sans, surrounding him with their own individual questions. Understandable, as Sans had never really shown any romantic interest in anybody in his life. It would bring a lot of attention to both him and a possible romantic partner, of which Sans was trying to avoid doing.

"This is so cute!" Undyne roared, "I can't believe you have a love letter!"

"It's not a love letter," Sans defended, dread lingering in the air around him. "It's just some letter."

"Really?" Undyne snorted, "This is exactly like what I wrote to Alphys!"

To emphasize, Undye looked down at the crinkled white paper, reading off the words for everyone to hear. "Sans, When you said you would be mine, You made my heart shine. You are all I want in life. Everyday I think about you, I miss you every moment we are apart. I love you."

"Aw!" Everyone else cooed while Alphys squealed.

"OTP! OTP!" Alphys chanted, her eyes practically sparkling.

"That is so cute!" Papyrus said, red gloves pressed against his smiling teeth.

"Sans, I can't believe you're dating someone," Toriel said, looking down at the paper. "It's rather... unexpected."

Sans took the opportunity of distraction to snatch the paper back from his friend's hands, the incriminating evidence feeling as if on fire against his palm. It was too late, though, as the letter had already been disclosed to the group. There was no going back from that.

"Who is it?" Frisk asked, eager to learn of the secret identity of Sans' lover.

"No one!" Sans said, folding the paper under his hands.

"Aw come on, you can tell us nerd!" Undyne said.

"Is it another monster?" Papyrus asked.

"No!" Sans said.

"Is it a human?" Frisk asked.

"OTP!" Alphys screeched, her claws practically tearing through her sleeves as she held onto them to calm herself.

"No, it's no one!" Sans said, the note slipping back into his pocket.

"Come on dude, someone obviously wrote you some love letter!" Undyne's gaze never left him, her interest in this topic burning such as the fire did within her eyes.

"Was it anonymous?" Papyrus asked.

"It didn't have a name," Toriel told him, "It could be just someone with a crush."

"Who is it? I have to know!" Alphys said, eyes glimmering.

Sans felt trapped, both mentally and physically. His friends had practically backed him into a corner with their bodies and their words. There was no excuse, it was a love letter through and through.

"Can we meet them?" Papyrus asked.

"No," Sans said.

"So you do know who it is!" Undyne concluded, her grin displaying her knowledge that she had caught him.

Sans froze as one would in a situation like this, words lost with any hopes of avoiding this topic.

"It's no one guys, just drop it." Sans tried to gear the conversation away. "Some person just wrote it, it's not a big deal."

"Why won't you tell us who it is?" Papyrus asked.

There was no answer that Sans could conquer up. They wouldn't accept Toby as Sans did, they would have turned the blood covered man away if he had ended up in their backyards. But not Sans, no.

Maybe... there was enough time to salvage this. If Sans could take control of the direction of this conversation, he could navigate it through the social storm that surrounded him.

"We haven't really become official to anyone yet, and we both agreed to keep it secret," Sans lied.

"I knew it!" Undyne roared.

"How long has your little secret been going on?" Toriel asked.

Sans paused for a moment before deciding to tell the truth, letting it slip out in a brief "Seven months," before he prepared for the backlash.

"Seven months?" Everyone demanded.

"Yeah?" Sans squeaked out.

"You've been dating someone for seven months, and you never told me?" Papyrus asked.

"Like I said, we never really wanted to let it out yet!" Sans defended himself, sticking up his hands. "Look at how you guys are reacting now, I figured it would be pretty chaotic if I let it slip."

"But seven months is well past the time you should have told us," Toriel said.

"Sorry, I just didn't want this massive freak out explosion," Sans said.

"Of course we would freak out! You're dating someone!" Alphys squealed, "Can we meet them?"

"I can't believe you never told me! Your brother!" Papyrus said sadly.

"I was going to tell you guys, I was actually planning on doing it in a few days!" Sans said, "We were just talking about how."

"Alphys is right, could we meet them?" Undyne asked.

There was no excuse to deny them of meeting Toby. After a few text messages sent to Toby, and a few minutes of hiding his screen from his insistent friends, he and Toby settled on a simple plan along with Sans' friends. Tomorrow Toriel would host a dinner at her house, and would invite everyone, including Toby. They would meet there, have dinner, and it would be over.

Well, at least Sans hoped it would be over.

Meanwhile, with Toby, his fellow serial killers were unaware of what was happening. Toby stared down at his phone, orange goggles blocking the view of his eyes. Yet, the man still watched the messages unfold, replying after a moment of thought to them.

"U-Uh, Masky!" Toby yelled into the other room, his body jerking as he shifted on the dark green sofa below him.

"Please don't start with the 'Masky's'," One of his partners groaned, white mask looking up at him.

"No, t-t-t-that isn't it," Toby said, hand angling the phone away from view. "There's an animal petting z-zoo tomorrow and I was wondering if w-we were going to be going on a mission because there's some c-c-c-cute animals and I want to-"

A long groan was drawn out. "Another one? I don't mind you skipping out on another one, Hoodie and I can handle it again, but you have to stop going to all of these petting zoos. I know you make it up afterwards, but it's just too many petting zoos!"

"I-I like cute things!" Toby objected.

"It's fine, he's been making up the time," Hoodie, another proxy said, the black fabric muffling his voice, "And the boss said it's alright."

A lot of narrowed twisting and turning through lie after lie managed to secure Toby and Sans' relationship as a secret. Securing Sans' town as his own was a large part of ensuring no other serial killers would be roaming about his boyfriend and their relationship, claiming all missions there as his own.

Oh, Toby really liked saying that. Boyfriend. It was a nice word to say. No matter how many times he said it, the man would never get over how exciting it was to be dating Sans.

It was a constant struggle. Through balancing his constant lies with both him and now to Sans' friends, it was difficult. In the end, though, it was utterly worth it. Toby loved Sans and his life, but he knew they could never mix. Toby was a killer, Sans wasn't. Sans was able to go through airport security without getting arrested, Toby would be tackled when he was identified.

Either way, neither of them cared. They loved one another, and that was the final verdict.

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