Thomas triumphed in the end, so my worry was really for nothing.

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Later that day, Thomas and I were working on putting up the rest of the fence. I looked up from preparing part of it and saw George and Roberts whispering to each other. I clicked my tongue at Thomas and nodded my head towards them. Thomas nodded his acknowledgement and brought the rope over to tie the beams together.

The next thing we heard was, "Tho-mas!" Thomas nodded to me as if to say, "I know what I'm doing, I can do this!" He turned around calmly to face him, "Yes, George? 'You need something?" George seemed surprised he didn't come up to him right away, but continued to try to coax him over. Thomas gave him a suspicious look, "You're planning to wedgie me again like yesterday, aren't you?" I put a pair of stern eyes on him, "I should think so. Never thought you'd be so cruel. And to the youngest of us?! What a couple of cowards you two turned out to be." George and Roberts had fear behind their eyes, we gave them a big surprise. Ben came up behind us and gave them his famous look of sarcasm that you knew meant something was going to happen to you if you didn't straighten up.

Thomas and I looked at each other, we knew he was about to give them a taste of their own medicine. He had that same look when he forced Thomas to take castor oil as punishment for an argument he started with the governor. Thomas had kept insisting, "Well, he started it!" But Ben didn't take that for an excuse, "Well, you kept it going when you had no business to. Now open wide." Thomas had refused to for a few seconds until Smith came up behind him and encouraged him, "Come now, Thomas! Take it like a man!" When Thomas did take it, he nearly gagged on it to Ben's satisfaction.


Personally, that time, I thought Ben looked upset enough to spank him.  In fact, I thought I heard him mutter to himself, "I really wanna spank him." But, to everyone's relief, he didn't. Trust me, he's not afraid to spank the lad.  He's done it before when Thomas did something like that.  He's always takes him off to where they can have privacy, but I know the whole procedure.  Ben locks the door, drags Thomas by the arm practically, takes a paddle he hides there (it's always in the same place), sits down, pulls the lad over his knees, pulls his breeches down, and then sets to work bringing the paddle down.  Oftentimes, me and a few of the others would listen by the door.  It was almost even scarier to listen to as it was for Thomas to get it.  All you could hear was the paddle coming down and Thomas crying and begging him to stop.  It's something I will carry to my grave.  I was even told that, to humiliate Thomas all the more, when he finally did stop, instead of making Thomas pull up his own breeches, he'd pull them up and fasten them for him and then set him back up.  Then it would follow with Thomas promising not to do it and Ben saying something on the lines of, "Now don't you ever do that again!!"  Then, we had to quickly disperse so he wouldn't know that we'd been listening as he dragged Thomas off to his bunk and forced him to stay there.  Once he was wasn't looking, then I would come see him and make sure the lad was alright.

My advice: If you do get the chance to listen,  never forget to disperse.  Trust me, if Ben finds out you were listening, it won't be pretty.  It happened to Wiggins a month after we left London.  Ben had spanked Thomas for arguing with him and kicking him in the ankle out of frustration.  Wiggins let curiosity draw him to the door to listen.  What he heard proved the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat.'  He was so mortified and on the brink of tears himself, he forgot to retreat before Ben came back from sending Thomas to his bunk.  He was too angry to realize that Wiggins had been watching and just stormed past him with Thomas.  When he came back, he found Wiggins looking incredibly mortified and sick.  Wiggins didn't what else to do or say, so he just covered his face and started crying himself.  To this, Ben grabbed him by the collar and started yelling him down, "Don't you dare feel sorry for him! Or I'll give you a taste of the ol' paddle!" Wiggins quickly expressed his understanding so Ben would let him leave.  Once he got some privacy, Wiggins finished his cry.


Goodness, I got off track again.  We need to get back to the main story.

When Ben gave him the look, George merely said, "And just what do you plan to do about it, Ben?" He turned to Roberts, "Roberts, hang Thomas up in that tree." To their surprise, Thomas turned right around and exposed his underwear, "Go ahead, you keep telling me to be a man. Well, now, I'll be one." Ben stood between them and made Thomas cover his underwear again, "Not yet, Thomas. Such bravery on your part does deserve our respect. Now, lads. Before you hang him up in the tree by his knickers, let's see how you two like it."

I mean it when I say Ben is tough. He's tougher than a brick wall. He started with George, stretched his underwear at heights I thought impossible and hooked it onto the nearest tree branch. Roberts tried to get away, he might have been fast, but Ben was faster. Before long, they were both up in the tree screaming in pain. Ben looked triumphantly at them, "How's the view, lads?" They didn't answer, but kept squirming and wriggling trying to get out of the wedgie. Ben crossed his arms, "Doesn't feel so good does it?" George and Roberts shook their heads as sweat dripped down their faces, "It doesn't," George babbled, "we get the point, now let us down." Ben gave me and Thomas a smirky look as if asking our permission. Thomas glared at them, "You gotta promise you will never wedgie me or anyone else for that matter ever again!" They desperately promised not to.

Ben nodded with satisfaction and grabbed George's legs. George went pale as he soon figured out what was coming next, "No, Ben! Please, don't!" Ben patiently began to pull him down, "We got your promise, George. Down you come." Ben pulled him down and then went to work on Roberts. It would be weeks before they were able to take those wedgies out, but at least they learned their lesson.

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