Chapter 11

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Fury watched as the medics carried away Phil Coulson’s body, before they had left though he had examined the wounds; the one through his chest had defiantly been from Loki’s scepter, which was now missing, but the one on his throat, the wound that finally finished him, had been done by a smaller blade. He had made a guess as to who had killed him but was now going over the footage to be positive. Sure enough there was Scourge letting out Loki, Fury quickly skipped to the end and saw her leaning down by Coulson, they shared a small conversation before she slit his throat and was lead away by Loki soon after.

            He walked back to where Natasha was standing and shook his head. “You were right, Scourge has been compromised.”

            “Was she put under Loki’s control?” Nat asked him.

            “Not that I could see from the footage.”

            “Clint is going to be so disappointed in her…” She shook her head as she thought of what Scourge’s mentor would think.

            “Go tell him. You should check on how he’s recovering anyway.” Fury ordered.

            He watched her walk off towards the other side of the helicarrier before going towards Phil’s locker. Fury grabbed some of the Captain America trading cards Coulson had wanted to ask Steve to sign, which he never got to, and put blood on them before making his way to the meeting room where Steve and Tony were sitting at the large round table. They looked up when they saw him come in and he threw the cards down so the skidded to a stop in front of them.

            “Those were in Phil Coulson’s pocket when he died… guess he never did get you to sign them.” Fury sighed. “Yes the Avengers initiative had been shut down… but I thought if we could bring together people like you, heroes, and get them to work together then we could achieve something great. Phil died still believing in that dream.”

            Tony and Steve glanced at each other and then back at Fury who just shook his head. “It was an old fashioned idea anyway.”

            Steve stood up as he left. “Fury wait.”

            “What is it Rogers?”

            “What do we do now? Thor and Banner are missing, Barton is still recovering, and Scourge… we- we can’t find her. We can’t be a team anymore, we need them.”

            “You’re the Captain.” Fury replied. “You can make decisions. As for Scourge, stop looking because she’s been turned.”

            “Loki used his scepter on her?” Tony asked in shock. “Who knew that emotionless girl had a heart the tesseract to take over… seriously she’s worse than Nat.”

            Fury glared at him and Tony went silent. “She left because of you Stark.”


            “Yes, remember all those years ago? When Coulson came to you the second time about your children?” Tony paled and Steve looked between them in confusion. “Yes well I guess her chance at revenge was greater than her loyalty to us. So much in fact that she had to kill Coulson, the man she saw as a fatherly figure to her.”

            “But she knew I had a choice to make. Her or Pepper.” Tony defended.

            “And look she still hasn’t married you, Scourge lost her brother, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has now lost two of its best agents.”

            “Pepper is engaged to me though.” Tony shouted as Nick left the room.

            Steve glared at him and shook his head. “That wasn’t the point Stark. This is partially your fault and you’re going to fix it.”

            Tony watched as Steve left the room before following behind him silently, Rogers didn’t send him away or acknowledge the fact that Tony was even there. They finally stopped in the room Coulson had been murdered, Tony stood near the floor that could open up while Steve looked at the bloodstains that covered the wall and floor.

            “Did he have a family?” Stark finally broke the silence.

            “No… unless you count Scourge.” Steve replied, still not looking at him.

            “Jade, her name’s Jade.” Tony whispered so he was barely heard.

            “That doesn’t matter much anymore now does it?”

            Tony put his hands up in surrender. “Look let’s just figure out how to stop Loki. After that we can finish this fight.”

            “Fine.” Steve agreed. “He has the tesseract and Nat said he wanted to open a portal to get an army to earth.”

            “Loki’s a diva, remember Germany? He loves an audience and now this is his grand finally… Loki will want the entire world to see something that everyone can see, he wants everyone to see his name in lights…”

            “Stark Tower.” They said at the same time.

            Steve walked towards the door. “Come on let’s get Natasha and Barton and suit up.”

            “Meet me there, I have to switch my suits when I get there.” Tony replied as he summoned his armor. 

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