Chapter 2

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Dylan, Dolly and Da vinci knocked on the door. A Dalmatian girl of the age of Dylan and Dolly opened the door.

???:Hey. Are you our new neighbors?

Dylan: Yes I am Dylan. These are my sisters Dolly and Da vinci.

???: I'm Ash.

Dolly: Nice to meet you, Ash.

Ash: Why don't you come in?

Dylan: Why not?

They all went inside.

The house was not big but it was enough for a small family. Ash led them to the garden.

???: Ash who is it ?.

Ash: They are our new neighbors. Dylan, Dolly and Da vinci.

???: I'm Max.

Dylan: Where are your parents?

Ash: At work. They work all day and I have to take care of the house.

Dylan: Yes, I know how it is.

Ash: And this is my sister Lily.

Ash points to a puppy running towards them.

???:And who is that?

Ash: Our neighbors. This is Lily.

Dylan: Hi Lily. Listen, Ash, we have to go now, but maybe you'll come to dinner tomorrow?

Ash: Sure.

Dylan, Dolly and Da vinci went to the door but when they were at the door of the house came a Dalmatian with paint on his ears.

Ash: Leonardo, where have you been?

Leonardo: Nowhere.

Dylan: We're going to go now. Hey

Ash: Hi.

Dylan, Dolly and Da vinci went home preparing dinner.

To continue ...

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