Chapter 3

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After coming home Dylan and Dolly were preparing dinner while Da vinci was painting the picture but she couldn't focus because the DJ was playing loud music so she went to him.

Da vinci: (knocking on the door)

Nobody opens.

Da vinci: (knocks louder)

Dj: (opens the door) What's up Da vinci?

Da vinci: Could you play a little quieter?

DJ: I'm sorry. I have been a bit stressed lately.

Da vinci: Why?

DJ: Does not matter.

Das vinci: Good as you like.

Dylan: (from a distance) Dinner!

Da vinci: We have to go to dinner.

Dj: Right, let's go.

Dj, Da vinci and the rest went to have dinner. After dinner they slept except for Dylan and Dolly who were waiting for their parents to arrive. About 15 minutes later Doug and Delilah arrived.

Dylan and Dolly: Hi mom. Hello Dad.

Delilah: Hi children, did something happen?

Dylan: Not mom.

Dolly: We just wanted to say that we invited our new neighbors to dinner.

Doug: Well, kids, we'll talk about it tomorrow and now you have to go to sleep.

Dylan and Dolly: Sure Dad.

All four went to sleep.

To continue ...

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