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I woke up the next morning to find myself alone. I saw a note lying on the table next to the couch that had a dark blue pen laying on top.

"Hey, Court! I had to leave for a little bit, but I'll be back soon. Also, I'm picking up some snacks from the store. Text if you need anything! -Shayne"

I smiled at the note. He really does care, doesn't he? I sat up and realized I was still wearing Shayne's jacket, it was super comfortable. I'm sure he'll want it back though, so I'll give it to him when he gets back. I waited for another thirty minutes before the door opened and Shayne walked in with another bag.

"Hey, sorry I borrowed your key. I didn't know if you'd be awake or not," He placed the key down on a table and came to sit next to me. "So, Ian needed me to help him out with some writing and crap, so I had to leave. On my way back I stopped by the store to get some snacks in case you were hungry"

"Wow, thanks, Shayne," I said. I laid my head down on his lap and looked up at him. He was looking down at me confused. "Sorry, I'm still a little tired. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"Oh, no it's okay," he put his hand on my face and I squirmed out of the way. He was laughing as I hit his arm.

"So, did Ian say anything about work?" I asked

"Yeah, he said you're allowed to stay home as long as you'd like to. You don't have to come if you aren't feeling it," he said, "It was kinda my idea because I saw how you were dealing with this. Ian also said to let you know that he's willing to help as much as you need him to"

"That's very sweet"

"That's just Ian taking care of his kids," he said. I laughed and looked down at my feet for a second. Ian is a cool dad, isn't he? " are you doing today?"

"Better than yesterday. Thank you for agreeing to stay here with me. I know you would have wanted to be somewhere else other than with me"

"You kidding? I'm glad I was there with you. You really needed someone to be there with you and I wasn't just going to let you be alone"

"You're so sweet," I hugged him from the side and he wrapped one arm around me. "I wish my boyfriend had been like you"

"You wanted a loud and obnoxious boyfriend?"

"No, I meant how you've been so kind to me. He wasn't exactly the nicest guy if I'm being honest, but he was just so great that I didn't pay attention. But, see, you're nothing like that"

"I'm not great?"

"No, you are. You're both great and kind that it makes you so much better than him and I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you"

"I'm lucky to have a best friend like you too. I mean, you took Damien's best friend crown too"

"I did, didn't I?"

"Yep. Well, I've brought all this stuff here for you if you need it and I'm just going to head out. I'll see you tomorrow, Courtney"


"Text me if you need anything," He stood by the door giving me a thumbs up. I nodded smiling and he walked out closing the door. The only problem is that I didn't want him to go. While he was here I was content and happy, but now I feel like I'm gonna fall apart again. I always felt that way before when Defy shut down. We'd be together for a bit and then when he'd leave I'd feel so broken that I couldn't do anything. Has it come to a point where I rely on him to keep me sane? God, I hope not. That would make me both weird in his eyes and crazy. We'll see.


Monday came around and I was on my way to work. It was raining this morning and it just made me feel so depressed. Rain does that. I pulled in to the parking lot and spotted Shayne walking towards the door with just a hood over his head. I just kinda stared at him as he walked. I don't know why. I shook it off and walked inside behind him. It felt much warmer to not be standing in the cold rain outside.

"Hey, Courtney. How's it going?" Shayne asked. He noticed that I wasn't wearing a hood or anything to cover my head. "You know, usually when it rains you want to wear a hood or something"

"Yeah, but don't worry. I didn't catch any sort of cold or anything. My hair's just a little wet," I said

"Courtney, it looks like you didn't dry your hair after taking a shower. You got soaked out there"

"It's fine"

"Here, come with me," he motioned for me to follow and I did. He took me into a room and found a towel. He put it on my head and left it there. "Go ahead and dry off your head before you do get sick"

I did as he said and gave him the towel.

"Where did you even get this from?" I asked

"I had one in my gym bag. Don't worry, I didn't use it because I didn't go this morning. I keep a spare bag here just in case," He zipped up the bag and took me back out to the main area.

"Hey guys," Ian came over towards us with a happy expression, "Today is a good day for shooting. It's raining and depressing outside and we have a ton of things to shoot inside. We'll start in about thirty minutes"

"Okay, thanks, Ian," Shayne walked off and found Damien sitting on a beanbag chair. Ian got closer to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, sorry about what happened. I hope you're feeling okay," he said

"Yeah, it's all good now," I told him. He let go and looked at the jacket I was wearing. I was still wearing Shayne's because it was comfortable and cold outside.

"Shayne's jacket? What did you kids do?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Ian. He just helped me out after it all happened and lent me his jacket. That's it"

"Okay, just thought I'd ask. I'll see you later," He walked off with a smug look on his face. He looked over at Shayne who was on his phone and then walked into the meeting room. Something tells me Ian didn't believe me.

Binding Love//A Shourtney/Shartney FanficWhere stories live. Discover now