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It's not often you fall in love with your best friend, but with her that's different. I did fall in love with her. From the moment I saw her I felt something stirring inside of me that I never realized until later on in life. Little did I know that it was these complex feelings I had for her.

I remember when I realized how I truly felt about her. That first time that we cuddled for real at her place. I had this feeling that I couldn't figure out until Damien helped me out. He helped me realize that I had fallen for her.

I never thought she felt the same way either. I thought it was just me who felt this way, but no, she felt strongly about me too. I suppose I could have been a little more observant when she showed it, but I couldn't think straight with her in my mind.

That night, that rainy night, when we first admitted to each other how we truly felt, that's when I knew I made the right choice. I called her to check on her, but also because I wanted to talk to her. I couldn't stop thinking about her, so why not speak with her? I didn't know she'd invite me over, but I headed over as soon as I could despite the doubt.

As I walked in, I admired her smile. Her beautiful smile that formed after my dumb pizza joke. She's always the one to laugh at my bad jokes despite how stupid or corny they might be. I like that about her.

I didn't really want to leave that night, but I thought maybe she'd been done with me. As I walked into the rain I wondered if I should tell her how I feel. I didn't end up needing to do that as she told me first with a kiss. That amazing kiss that I'll never forget.

After that, I ended up staying longer. We spent the night cuddling and watching movies. I can't remember how long it was because I was content. Content with the girl I love. Luckily, she didn't mind the fact that my face, hair, and clothes were a little damp. She stayed with me nonetheless.

Of course, I close out with the fact that she and I are definitely together now. We have been for a few weeks now and I'm loving every minute of it. The fans went crazy over the news and I'll just say the Shartney shippers definitely peed themselves. Probably more. Olivia and Damien couldn't have been more happy to hear about us, and the whole cast was happy too. We knew they shipped us, and we did nothing about it until now. My life has gotten exponentially better now that she's with me.

My callback partner, my best friend, my coworker, my love, Courtney Ruth Miller.

You are and always will favorite pizza place.

The End

Binding Love//A Shourtney/Shartney FanficWhere stories live. Discover now