Chapter 12

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Scott's POV:

   "Turn right here and keep straight pass the color lights thingy," Minho said. I gave him a look. "What? You really expect me to know what that is after being locked up in a maze with no real memories?" He is right about that. All these years, Sti- Thomas was there. Minho and Newt are closer to him then I am. When he said brothers at the meetup, I was hurt and mad that I can't even call  Thomas that anymore. 

 I'm hurting inside. Really, really bad. I don't know if WCKD succeded in bringing back the nogitsune. I mean, could they bring it bac-

"Scott!" Minho yelled as he grabbed the wheel. "What the hell was that?! You tryna kill us?! I may not remember to know how to drive, but that is not how you drive shuck face!"

"I'm so-sorry. I don't know came over me." 

"Pull over here. We have to start walking at this point." I nodded as I see the others start to pull over. 

"Why are we in the desert? I know that they're trying to be villainy, but the desert?" asked Liam.

"You can walk home if you don't think you handle a little heat," Minho replied. "I thought I said that you won't be needing a jacket? I hope ya'll got long sleeves under those. We called this the scorch." He started walking. Not waiting for us to take off our jackets.

If this is a way to get Sti- Thom- no Stiles back, I'm all ready for it.

Unkown's POV:

A few hours before 

   I hurried back to my station after I sent Minho the coordinates. I've been working at WCKD for 2 and a half years now. I've always known what they were doing was wrong. To take children of any age away from their parents is a cruel thing to do. Of course, I didn't know about it when Ava took me in. 

  I was in an accident that left me in a coma for months with no memories. All I know is that my name is Ali. That's all. She wouldn't let me know my whole life story before that incident. Saying that my family was the reason I was a coma. I believed her, but after finding out about this experiment, I knew something wasn't right. 

"Ali. Ms. Ava would like to see you in her office." I looked up to see Geroge. He was one of the kidnapped teens, but he didn't know that.

"Alright, let me finish this up and I'll go see her." I quickly finished my files and went to Ava's office. My chest is tight with fear as I walked. What if she found out what I did? I'll be sent into the Scorch and that place is Hell, literally. I showed up at her glass door. "Yes?"

"I need you to go and make some new robots for me. It seems that the ones in the Scorch have been tampered with by... dogs."

"Yes ma'am. I'll be on it."

"Thank you, Ali. You're a keeper. You might be up for a promotion." She says as she gives me a smile. I smiled back as I went to the robotics engineering wing. I logged into the computer to pull up a camera of the Scorch. "What the? They're here?!" I whispered squealed. I looked around making sure no one had heard me. I logged out of the computer and started to design a new griever. 

  Minho's POV:

  I hate it here. Everywhere I looked, it reminds me of what we've been through. What we are still going through. It feels like home, but not the home that you'll be happy with. The kind where everyone is fighting to stay alive in their own way. I remember when I almost cut my toe off with Thomas. I laughed at the memory.

"Why are you laughing at a time like this?" Asked Lydia.

"Well, believe or not, Thomas and Newt and I had some good memories here with our other friends."

"Tell us a story."

"We were running towards a warehouse as a lightning and tornado storm was coming towards us. I got hit a little bit and passed out. Thomas had to help Frypan to carry me the rest of the way."

"That's funny? How-"

"I ain't done yet blondie." I heard her whispering strawberry blonde under her breath. "When we got inside, there were people inside. They wanted some kind of payment if we were allowed to stay there. They asked for our toes. Oh man, the look on my friends faces, HAHA!"

"Waait, they wanted your toes?!" Asked Kira.

"Yes and guess what? Thomas was willing to cut his off at that moment." I smiled at the memory.

"Did he really do it?"

"No. The people only said that they were just kidding. HAHAHA! Those were the good ole times." I smiled widely as I can here Newt being a mom to Thomas. "I really miss them. We better hurry up before it gets dark. There are creatures that'll eat toes as if they're candy." I said as I started to run.

"WAIT, now Wait a second!" I heard someone yell. I smirked as I picked up speed.

A/N And here it is! Give me a break. I feel like I don't know how to write anymore. On the other hand... how do you think? Come on, don't be shy.

                                 Love, Toni

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