thirteen: official.

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Alice sat at Pop's for an hour before even realizing what had just happened. They were done. Her and Fangs had officially broken up. She got up, leaving in anything but a hurry. She got home, stalking into the house. She still had tears streaming down her face, she was unable to stop them. She hadn't realized her dad's girlfriend, Kira, was sitting in the kitchen when she sat down on the couch. Alice stared at the wall, she felt numb.

"Are you okay?" Kira startled the girl. She looked up at her with sad eyes. "Oh, honey." Kira made her way over to the girl on the couch, pulling her into a hug. "You wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head no, unable to form words.

"How about we order some pizza and if you change your mind about talking, I'm here to listen." Alice nodded her head and smiled at her. The two girls sat on the couch for hours eating pizza and talking about everything that had nothing to do with Fangs.

"So, you ready to tell me what happened earlier?"

"My boyfriend, Fangs, we broke up," She felt her heart break at the words. It was the first time she had admitted it out loud. She was so sick of crying, but she couldn't stop it. She loved that boy more than anything. Even through the lies, she still loved him, but she couldn't be with a liar. He lost her trust. "He lied to me and then when he promised he wouldn't do it again, he turned around and lied again."

"What did he do exactly?" She hesitated to tell the girl, not wanting her to think poorly of Fangs.

Letting her guard down, she finally decided to tell her. "He was selling fizzle rocks for some extra cash. I told him if he did it again, I was done. He promised me he was done. A few days later, I caught him in the middle of a deal."

"Have you talked to him since then?"

"Yeah, he came over the next night and we talked a little and then we kissed a little and he went home. I didn't really know what to feel and I decided I wanted to be straight forward and I told him I couldn't trust him anymore and we broke up. And as much as I saw it coming, it still hurt just as much."

"Sometimes it hurts worse when you see it coming," Kira pulled Alice into another hug. Both pulling away, they jumped hearing the front door open. Their heads shot in that direction. Alice's father and her little brother stepped into the house.

A short pink-haired girl revealing herself, "Al, your friend is here."

Toni made her way to the couch, smothering Alice with a hug. "I'm sorry. Sweet Pea told me everything. God, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Toni," She chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood. "We both knew it was coming."

"How about we go to the Whyte Wyrm," Toni suggested.

"I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere right now. And plus, he's probably there."

"Actually, little birdie tells me they left. They were there earlier. Fangs got wasted at like two in the afternoon and Sweet Pea took him home."

"Fangs? Wasted? He hardly drinks enough to get even tipsy," Alice laughed. Her smile quickly turned into a frown at the thought of the raven-haired, brown-eyed boy. "How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow?"

"You don't even have any classes with him."

"I don't know if I can do it, Toni."

"Okay, you're the one who broke up with him so get your ass up. We're going out." Toni pulled the girl off the couch.

"That doesn't make it hurt any less." She plopped back down to her original seat. "Please, I don't wanna go out. I just wanna go to sleep." Toni mumbled a fine before leaving Alice to her sleep.

She slowly made her way up the stairs and to her bathroom. Turning the water to hot, she stripped her clothes and slipped into the steaming shower. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to cry anymore, before leaning up against the wall. She let the scorching water run down her back until it turned cold. She stepped out of the, now cold, shower and wrapped herself in her towel. She left the bathroom and into her bedroom. Looking through a pile of clothes in her closet, she found an old sweatshirt she had stolen from Fangs' trailer. She pulled it on along with a pair of black shorts.

She was drowning in the smell of her ex boyfriend, but she couldn't take the sweatshirt off. She drifted off to sleep with Fangs on her mind.


Alice jerked awake at the sound of someone entering her room. "Are you getting up? You're gonna be late for school." Her dad peaked his head into her room. She looked at the clock to see she had about five minutes to get ready. She groaned before rolling out of bed. She didn't even bother changing her outfit, still wearing the baggy sweatshirt and black, athletic shorts. She headed to the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and threw her hair into a messy bun. She slipped on her Birkenstocks and grabbed her bag, leaving the house.

She parked on the opposite side of the parking lot, parking her car next to Archie's truck. She walked slowly into the school, dreading the day already. She opened the door to the lounge, her eyes instantly landing on the one person she hoped she wouldn't see. His eyes locked on hers. Alice turned around and walked in the direction of her class.

She spotted Toni in the back of the class, making her way over to the short girl. "Hey, you okay?"

"I've been here five minutes and I already saw Fangs."

"What? Where? Sweet Pea told me he was ditching," Toni acted surprised.

"Those serpent boys really like to lie, don't they? I went into the lounge to get a soda from the machine and he was sitting in there, so I left."

Toni got up in a hurry, rushing out of the classroom. She came back minutes later, soda in hand, as the bell rang. She handed the soda to Alice, smiling at her. "I guess he was going to ditch but he changed his mind last minute." Alice chuckled at Toni before focusing on the lesson. The rest of the day was a drag. Alice rushed to leave right away before she saw Fangs again. When she got to her jeep, there he was. The very boy she was avoiding. "That's mine." He pointed at the sweatshirt.

"What do you want, Fangs?" She rolled her eyes at the boy.

"I think I made that clear. I want my sweatshirt," He said with a rude tone. "And all the other clothes of mine that you might have." He smirked at the girl standing in front of him

"Okay. Come over and get them. Lucky for you I washed all of them a few days ago."

"No," She was a little thrown off. "You can bring them to me at my place later." He demanded.

"Why are you being such a jerk right now?" Alice snapped. "There's no reason for you to be so mean to me." He rolled his eyes at the girl.

"I just want my clothes, okay?" Fangs raised his voice.

"And I said come over and get them. I'm not driving twenty minutes out of my way. If you want them, come and get them yourself." With that, she hopped into her jeep and drove off, leaving a stunned Fangs standing in the parking lot. He did just as she said, followed her to her house and picked up his clothes. He took the scenic route to his trailer, not wanting to go home right away. He thought about anything and everything. By the time he got home, his cheeks were tear stained from thinking about the blonde girl that broke his heart.

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