twenty five: i'm fine.

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"Are you sure you're ready to go back to school?" Alice asked Fangs as they pulled up to the school.

"Al, I'm fine. I got released two days ago. They cleared me to go back to school whenever I felt ready."

"I know, but you literally got shot not even a week ago," Alice was very worried about her boyfriend. "How about we ditch?"

"Alice Haven, I am going to school and you are not going to stop me." Alice began to hysterically laugh. "What?" Fangs asked, very confused.

"I don't think I've ever heard you be so eager to go to school. Normally you're the one begging me to ditch." The two stepped off of Fangs' bike and made their way into the school. Sweet Pea instantly spotted them and made his way over.

"What the hell are you doing here, Fogarty?" Sweet Pea was a little irritated. Toni made her way up to him asking the same question Sweet Pea had just asked.

"Guys, I'm fine." He laughed, cringing at the pain. "Okay, no more laughing for me. Seriously guys, I'm okay."

"I had this same conversation with him probably three times already," Alice jumped in. "You're not gonna change his mind."



Fangs was standing at the vending machine getting a soda. Bending down, he felt a sharp pain come from his stomach. He groaned loudly, standing back up. Alice rushed to his side. "Are you okay?" She scanned his body to find blood seeping through his white shirt.

"I'm fine."

"Fangs, you're bleeding." She lifted his shirt, him swatting at her hands. "Let me look," She snapped at him. She peeled the gauze back, seeing his stitches had ripped. "Fangs, you ripped your stitches. You need to go to the hospital."

"Seriously, Al. I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital."

"Northie's right, Fangs. Go to the hospital," Sweet Pea showed his concern for his friend.

"You guys are so paranoid," Fangs rolled his eyes. "But I guess I'll go." Alice said she'd go with him, just in case. "Al, I'm telling you. I am okay."

"Fangs, you're not okay. You ripped your stitches. What if it gets infected? Then what? It's better to be safe. Now stop complaining and get on the damn bike," Alice snapped, annoyed with his arguing. He didn't say anything else, just got on the bike and drove to the hospital. They waited for about an hour before he could be taken back. The doctor stitched him back up and that was it. The two went to Pop's after to get milkshakes.

"I told you it was nothing serious," Fangs said as he took a sip of his chocolate shake. Alice was clearly annoyed by the comment but she didn't say anything. "Sorry," The serpent quickly added.

Alice got a text. Seeing it was from Toni, she opened it.

Toni: How's Fangs?

Alice: Being a smartass.

Alice: They just stitched him back up. He's fine. We're at Pop's if you want to meet us here.

Toni: Yeah, we'll be there soon.

"Toni and Sweet Pea are gonna meet us."

Fangs asked, "Why are you so irritated?"

"You got shot. What am I supposed to do when you won't take it seriously?"

"My stitches ripped open, Alice. I didn't get shot again."

"Well, I am truly sorry for being worried about you." Alice sat back in her seat, rolling her eyes. Fangs reached over the table and grabbed her hand.

"I promise you when I say this, I'm going to be just fine. Like the doctor said, it's very common for stitches to rip open, especially on the stomach," Fangs was just trying to get the girl to feel better.

"I know, I know. I guess I'm just a little scared," Alice pauses for a moment. "Seeing you lay there on the ground, dying, was probably the scariest thing I've ever experienced. I was covered in your blood. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that."

Fangs squeezed her hand, giving her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. It's just easier to make jokes and not take it seriously. I'm scared too, you have to realize that, Alice."

"And I do. Just try and take it a little more serious, okay?"

"Pinky Promise," Fangs stuck his pinky out, which caused Alice to giggle. She interlocked their pinkies, shaking their hands.

Fangs heard the bell to the diner ring. Looking up, he spotted Toni and Sweet Pea, waving them over. The two serpents made their way to the booth and scooted into the seats, Sweet Pea next to Fangs, Toni next to Alice.

"How are you stitches?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Fine," Fangs answered. "The doctor said it's very common for them to rip, especially where mine are." Sweet Pea nodded, feeling a slight wave of relief.

Pop's came over to the table. "Can I get you two anything?" He asked Toni and Sweet Pea. The serpents ordered milkshakes. "And can I get you guys a refill?"

Alice smiled at PopTate, "Yes please." He wrote the orders down and turned on his heel to walk away. "Thank you, PopTate," Alice called out before he was too far away.

He turned back and looked at the girl, smiling a soft smile at her. "No problem."

"Al, you wanna come and hang out at my trailer later?" Toni asked her friend.

"Yeah, sure."

Fangs looked hurt. "Excuse you? I thought we were gonna hang out."

"You never asked. You can't just assume things, Fogarty," Alice shot the boy a sarcastic, wide smile.

"Fine. I didn't want to hang out with you anyways," He crossed his arms and looked out the window, pretending to pout. His friends laughed at the childish actions.

Sweet Pea cut in, "Let's go to the Wyrm tonight." He nudged Fangs' shoulder.

"Yeah, okay."

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