Chapter 4 - Reaction

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"Miku-chan." Ayaka gave Miku a forceful look. "How long has this been going on? Tell me. Now."

"A-Aya-chan.... it's okay... it only happened today and yesterday.. I'm sure it's just a joke! A joke!" Miku said, forcing on a fake smile.

Ayaka could only feel hurt by these words. "Miku-chan.... I know that's not true! You've been acting weird this entire past week, do you think I wouldn't notice?!"


"Miku-chan....." Ayaka pleaded.

But to no avail, Miku remained silent. A moment of silence passed before Miku finally spoke. "It's none of your business."


Ayaka was depressed. She thought that Miku would be more dependent on her. Instead, Miku comepletely shut herself away, which hurt Ayaka's pride as a friend. But she brushed it off. Miku must've been worried, and Ayaka should forgive her, given her situation and all.... Right?


Miku fled the classroom as soon as lunch began. She planned to run to a more secluded area to eat alone and undisturbed. However, her plans went awry when she bumped into a familiar figure. Asada Tomoki. The charm that Miku had rejected.

"Ah... sorry..." Miku mumbled, as she turned to continue walking.

"W-wait! Hatsune-san... do you want to maybe... e-eat lunch with me?" He stuttered.

Before Miku could even reply, she felt chills as she caught the eye of some girls walking by. She began to panic, wondering what would happen if she hung out with Tomoki.

"I-I'm sorry!" She uttered before fleeing.

But even if she rejected his invitation, that never stopped her from being confronted. Miku was about to exit the building to go eat behind the school, before some girls blocked her path. Obviously, it was Hime and co.

"Yo." Hime stated. Her face contorted into a wicked smile.

Hime flashed the screen of a phone towards Miku. "Could you explain this?"

Miku flinched. It was a picture of Miku and Tomoki from earlier.

"It's nothing. We just bumped into each other." Miku simply stated. "Now please leave me alone. I want to eat in peace."

She turned to walk away, but Hime refused to let that happen. "Just because you caught the attention of Asada, doesn't mean you get to look down on me like a cocky brat!" Hime exclaimed.

Miku rolled her eyes. "Like I could care." She muttered.

"You... You can't speak to me like that! You're an idiot! Do you even know who I am?!"

Miku just walked away. She was getting tired of this.


As Miku entered the halls the next morning, she could feel eyes on her. She wasn't sure why.

This morning, Ayaka tried to speak to Miku again, but Miku said nothing. Ayaka was worried, but Miku kept to herself.

Miku couldn't concentrate at all. Throughout the entire class, she pondered what ways Hime could possibly plot revenge. It was only when Mimi approached her at break did she find out.

"Miku. What is this?" Mimi raised her phone up so Miku could see.

The photo from yesterday was there, except there was some additional text, a rumour.

"She tryin 2 seduce Asada Tomoki!! She broke his <3 once, now shes tryin 2 blackmail him?!?! DONT trust her! Shes an enemy to every1, she will stab ur back!"

...  Honestly, Miku wasn't too surprised. "It's nothing. I just ran into him."

"Hah? Do you expect me to believe that?! ....Miku. You talked with Hime, right?! She trying to bother you for sone reason, ne?!"

"Mimi..... that's none of your business. Who asked for your help, anyways?!" Miku spat.

Miku scoffed. "Don't concern yourself with this."

Miku turned away, refusing to show her face to Mimi. As she strode away, she had but a single question on her mind. "This is for the best..... right?".


Laughter echoed across the tabletops of multiple desks as a group of girls chimed with jokes and giggles.

They disbanded as a girl reached for her phone and began typing something down. It was unknown to others what these girls were up to, but once reading their texts, it was easily to tell that they were scheming something unpleasant.

Text tones rang out as messages were exchanged via group chat.


"Lol. Ikr? She's seriously so annoying. XD"

"Yea but anyways."

"We've decided."

"We're going to ignore her."

"OMG. Yassssss perf~♡

"We'll embarrass everybody
involved with her, right? XD"

"We should~~ Like, who even wants to be friends with that thing anyways?"

"She's such a whore. Like. Next thing she seduces every1."


"I bet all her friends must be sluts"

"They probs are"

"Like. Mimi Umikana or whateves. Have you seen her? Weirdo."

"Totes. Wtf is w/ her hair?"



The rumours continued to spread, becoming more exaggerated each time. Eventually, people evaded her, as well as showed obvious distaste for her presence.

Miku grew tired. She couldn't stand that people listened to such petty words. But who was she to speak? Had she not provoked Hime, none of this would have went down.

"Miku." A familiar voice sounded.

Ayaka once again stood before Miku.

Miku, in one swift motion, waltzed past her friend, but before she could walk further away, Ayaka grabbed her hand. "Miku... please... I know the rumours aren't true."

Emotions flooded, but Miku refused to let them show. "Ayaka...."

"Miku.... I'm your friend.. right? .....Mimi... she told me everything. All of us are concerned about you. Mimi, Nero and I."



It feels like I don't update this enough. XD I see a lot of fics that are well written and updated often, it sorta makes me feel guilty.

But anyways, I hope you guys had a fun Christmas for those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate it. If not, I hope you had a good christmas break for you students who are only holiday break.

New years is coming up soon. If I manage to get enough done (though probably not *sob*) I want to try to post something for the new year!

If not, sorry. XD Anyways, please tell me what you think in the comments if you wish, if you like the story, feel free to vote! If you have any feedback or ways to make it better, please do tell me! You're the readers, not me, so I'd love your opinions! XD


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