Chapter Seven: That Kiss

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Draco's pov:

I woke up with a splitting headache as the light hit my face through the window. I threw the blanket over my head trying to fall back asleep till I realized something. The blanket smelled of vanilla and lavender, I sat up quickly instantly regretting it as a sharp pain went through my head. I looked around and saw I was in Y/n's room and tried to figure out how I got there. I suddenly remembered, I kissed her. I kissed Y/n! I kissed my best friend's little sister! And she kissed back... even though she had a boyfriend. I got up quickly and got my things going for the door, but was stopped. I jumped slightly seeing Y/n, she was about to walk in when I was about to leave.

"Good morning," She greeted walking in. "You're finally up." "What exactly happened?" I asked. "You don't remember anything?" She replied nervous. I can tell she was about to say something about the kiss. "No, not at all," I lied. "Oh..." She trailed off. "Well, you got drunk, and I took you to the room as Harry ended the party. You got ready for bed, refused to sleep until I cuddled with you and fell asleep." I blushed and said, "Sorry." "It's fine, it was kind of nice," Y/n admitted shyly. "But, you really don't remember anything?" "No, I don't," I lied again rubbing the back if my neck. "Should I?" She hesitated then spoke, "No, nothing bad. But, never drink again, you know better."

"Sorry, just a lot going on yesterday," I tried to reason. "You can talk to me and Harry, you know that," Y/n assured. "Speaking of which, he's waiting for you. Take it easy." I nodded then walked away after saying, "Thank you." She smiled thwn I went to Harry's room and walked in feeling my head get worse. "Hey," Harry greeted. I threw myself on the bed and mumbled, "Never again." "Good, you learned your lesson," Harry joked then waved his hands. "Hurting bad, go straight to bed, relieve my friend of his achy head." He closed his hand and opened them over me letting a gold dust sprinkle over me. Seconds later, I felt better and said, "Thanks." "Enjoy relief as it last," Harry replied going to the desk.

"Why?" I questioned. "Because, you told everyone that you were going to audition for West Side Story, even called Remus to confirm," Harry informed. "I was going to anyway," I sighed. "So, who brought the beer?" Harry questioned. "Seamus had something," I replied. "I think he knows that he's not gonna be invited anymore. I was just going through something last night, just needed relief." "It's okay," Harry said getting up then took a pillow and hit me with it. "Next, talk to your best friend!" "Okay," I laughed lightly. "Anyway, I saw you talking to that girl in the freshman class," Harry mentioned. "Astoria Greengrass? What she say to you?" "She asked me out," I answered. "And?" Harry asked. "I said no," I added.

"What? Why?" Harry questioned. "I just didn't like her, that's all," I said truthfully. "Draco, you need to at least try to date someone," Harry replied. "It's called casual dating like with me and Cho Chang our freshman year. It didn't go anywhere, but it was fun and we're still friends. Draco, you've never had a girlfriend before because you're an all or nothing person like Y/n is. You might not even find a person like that here." I sighed then said, "Astoria is probably like her sister, mean and arrogant. A snobby rich girl, I rather wait for someone better." Harry shrugged then went back as I thought about that kiss with Y/n.

It was so passionate, filled with so many fireworks, so incredible, yet she still wants to go back to Cedric and pretend it never. I thought about it for a moment, was it me? Did she regret it? I didn't want to think about it anymore, I have to prepare for West Side Story.

Your pov:

It was the afternoon, I was spending time with Cedric in the park near our house since Harry said it was okay. "It Draco okay?" Cedric asked. "Yeah, he's fine," I assured. "I just took him to my room so he can sleep it off." "Was there anything going on with you guys before me?" Cedric questioned. "What? No, why would you ask that?" I replied. "I don't know, you and Draco just have this connection that is so meaningful," Cedric said while looking down shyly. "I don't know." "Draco and I have known each other my entire life," I told. "Draco is my second best friend, I mean... he did kiss me last night." "He what?" Cedric questioned. He scoffed then got up angrily, but I grabbed his arm before he could storm off.

"Cedric, he was drunk," I reasoned. "He doesn't even remember it, it was just a kiss that meant nothing. I told you because I didn't want you so you didn't think I felt anything in the kiss." "Did you?" Cedric questioned. "No," I said with a bit of hesitation that he didn't notice. "Cedric," I said and placed my arms on his shoulders letting him place his hands on my waist. "I like you, you're my boyfriend, Cedric. Okay? Draco was drunk, it was a drunk kiss that meant nothing, alright?" Cedric calmed down and his expression softened then nodded before kissing me softly for a long moment before pulling away slowly making me smile.

"Come on, let's go back to my house," I insisted. "It's getting cold out here." Cedric agreed then we walked to my house and sat on the couch closely. Cedric wrapped his arm around my waist making me blushd slightly, this was the first time Cedric was in the house and we were alone since Harry and Draco went to get some things before my parents came home. It sounds weird, but Cedric was more than okay with going my own pace when it came to certain things. We are teenagers, but I know to be responsible. "Um, y-you want to watch a movie?" I asked grabbing the remote and turned the TV on. I played a movie and set the remote down before scooting closer to him.

I glanced at Cedric and he did the same to me, I smiled lightly then looked down slightly trying to hide my blush. Cedric looked at me, I looked at him back and blushed lightly and said, "What?" "You're pretty," Cedric smiled. I smiled then it dropped slightly as a voice rang through my head. 'You're not pretty, you're gorgeous,' Draco's voice said. Cedric leaned in placed my hand on his shoulder as he out more passion in the kiss as the seconds went by. Cedric placed his hand on my waist. It was different, more plan. I mean, sure it was good and all, but it felt so bland compared to the kiss with Draco. With Draco, there's fire and with Cedric we're just snogging until I heard the door open and we pulled away quickly as Harry and Draco walked in.

Cedric and I broke apart completely and I blushed slightly, we were just kissing, nothing special about it. "Diggory," Harry greeted. "I forgot you were here." "Hey, Harry, Draco," Cedric smiled lightly then check the time. "I actually better get going, my parents would want me home soon." Cedric pecked my lips then left. "What we you two doing?" Harry asked. "Just watching a movie," I lied. "You're a terrible liar," Harry replied. "I can see the blush in your face." I got up and hit his shoulder lightly before saying, "We weren't doing anything bad." "Just making sure," Have said. "You're fifteen." (A/N: I made a mistake in one of the chapters. You're fifteen." "I know, I'm not stupid," I assured. "Fifteen is still too young, Cedric and I discussed this."

"I knew you're smarter than that," Harry smiled lightly. "Anyway, mom and dad are on their way, should be about two hours till they get here." I nodded then he went to the kitchen and Draco spoke, "You and Cedric are getting serious." "I guess," I replied. "So, you seriously don't remember anything about last night?" "No, I was too drunk," Draco told. "Anything I did or...?" "No," I lied. "Not at all, nothing bad. You just called me gorgeous and cuddled with me until you slept." "Sorry," Draco blushed. "About calling me gorgeous?" I asked. "No, about the cuddles," Draco corrected. "You are really attractive, I mean in general." "Well, the cuddles were nice," I admitted.

"Um, I better go call Hermione about homework." Draco nodded then I walked past him and went upstairs to my room. I sighed then sat on my bed and looked at my ceiling thinking. That kiss didn't mean nothing, it meant everything.

Hi, everyone, I know you all are probably wondering why I haven't uploaded in a long time. It's because this is a story that I'm starting from complete scratch and I didn't think that it would be this popular. Also, I have been working on the other stories on my platform, but I will try to upload as much as I possible can. I just need to get back in my groove and I am. Hopefully, I can have a chapter done soon, but just know thatt this will always be an active story. I will try to upload as often as I can. Also, I have been working on my original story and if you all want to read it, it's called The Broken Verta. Please read it, it will mean so much, I already have one chapter up already. I promise that I will try to upload as much as I can. Thank you for all the support! Until next time, guys! ~Skippy

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