3 - Grip

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Calvin's POV~

Tracy and I sat on my bed and ugh I was tired already. She wouldn't stop talking about what happened yesterday with Leon and her. How he hugged her and held her hand. Well, Leon is her boyfriend and he always came around to visit her. He was in the university and something always crossed my mind. All these girls in the university and he picked Tracy in college? That wasn't my business but anyway he makes her happy and I was glad.

"I trust him but not so much you know?", she said


"But then I feel he is lying to me and I love him too and he says he loves me. He says it every time".

"I see. I'm happy for you but if you don't trust him just break up with him or ?"

"Are you serious? You don't know anything about love. Just don't come at me with that break up with him thingy . He's not like you, always breaking girl's hearts".

"Hey, hey, hey. That's enough already. It's my life. Just leave me the fuck alone!"

"Whatever", but it will hit you really hard.

"What will?"

"Oh just wait and watch dear best friend", she gave me a weird smile.

"Hmm...". I texted Zoey if I could meet her somewhere later or probably soon cause I had to plan something with her which was soon approaching.

Me: Hey, can I meet you? I have to talk to you about something very urgent. Please?

I waited for five minutes and after that she didn't reply back. I wondered why but anyway I still had to meet her. Tracy had started watching a movie on my laptop. She seemed so engrossed in it already. Well, I don't blame her. She is a movie freak. She has watched a lot of movies, gosh. I am so not a fan of her type of movies. Like talk of Ariel. Who has this deep red hair around here unless its not some kind of dye? Then Cinderella. A glass slipper? Then The Greatest Showman, all the singing and love? Nooo! Puh-lease, I wasn't a fan of that. When we talking about movies I mean: Sylvester Stallone's Rambo, The Mechanic, Borne Identity! Yes those ones. Do you get me? Well anyway, I need to get going.

"Stepping out for a sec. I'll be back", I said walking out the door. I heard her reply but didn't hear exactly what she said. I met Edwin on the way to Zoey's room which was right upstairs, ontop of mine.

"Bro! I was actually on my way to your room", he says

"Oh right. Just go, Tracy is there".
"Oh she is?(His face lit up) but wait where are you heading to?"

"I smile and wink".

"Oh I see. Have fun".

Ed just knew what I meant. i mean, we've been friend for so long. We got bro codes and all! A few girls smiled and winked at me as I passed by. Gosh, they were so hot. Focus Calvin, focus! I got to her rom and was about to knock when a very fine girl approached me like damn! Steph, one of the hottest and popular girls in school. That ass! She was blonde and her lips would taste just good from the way they were glowing already.

"Hi, Calvin?", she smiled taking steps closer.

"Steph! Damn, you're hot!"

"I know! Of course I am. (She flicks her hair). Having a birthday party soon. You're invited, just you", she winks licking her upper lip. I raise a brow and pull her to my chest by her waist. So perfect in my arms. With my back against the door, I kissed her. Her hands were in my hair. This kiss was as normal as all the rest I have had like ugh nothing new. I was about to kiss her neck when the door I was leaning on opened and we both fell to the ground. Zoey got scared.

"What the hell?!", she said as she moved back in fright. I looked up at her from the ground and gave a wide grin. Steph kissed me on while we were on the ground, got up and left.

"Will you get off my ground now?"

I got up, "Uhh hi".

"What do you want?", she asked

"Relax, babe. I just want us to talk", I winked.


"About us, you, me our lives together", I laughed at the expression on her face. You can just imagine her face right now. Like what the hell is this guy talking about?

"You just don't have anything to say, just get out. I have important things to do", she said angrily.

"Fine, fine. It's about Tracy", I said.

"What about her?", she asked

"Uhh are you going to let me in or you're going to let us do this outside?"

"Ugghh! (She groaned) Come in then", she finally let me in.

I sat on her bed without her asking. She stood infront of me with her arms crossed. Why was she staring? Or she was just angry again? Okay she has always been angry at me for no reason so it's nothing new. Or she was mad I sat on her bed? Or...? Oh yeah! She wanted me to talk. I smiled.

"Sit down, princess. I'm definitely not going to finish talking now? So you might as well sit beside me", I tapped my laps. She shook her head and sat on the sofa beside the bed.

"Get talking. I don't have all day", she says.

"Just chill, okay? Gosh. So yes, Tracy's anniversary with Leon is coming and I want to do ... I mean I want us to plan a party or something for her", I said

"A party?", she asks

"Anything like a gathering so obviously a party", I say.

"And how will you do that?"

"I'm the mastermind remember? So I can pull anything off, including getting you in my bed princess", I winked. She shook her head while laughing and rolled her eyes afterwards.

"Quit calling me that", she demanded.

"I don't want to, princess", I said again. I knew it would annoy her but hey that was my plan. I know, I'm annoying but I loved the fact that I annoyed her.

"Jerk!", she murmured under her breathe.

"I heard that you know?", I said getting up to sit beside her. She got up immediately and I pulled her back by her waist on me. She sat right on my laps and I tightened my grip. She tried releasing herself but I was too strong for her. Of course I am! No girl has ever let go off my grip so I got what I wanted in the end. It's not rape, they just love me. Her back was against my chest and I could feel that ass, damn that ass! I shifted her hair off her neck with my right hand and kissed her neck. I bit her neck after I kissed it and she gave a silent moan then I knew I had hit the right spot.

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