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the next day todoroki woke up feeling worse than the day before, he had yet another sleepless night. it was no use, he'd spend a few minutes sleeping but would wake up quickly due to nightmares.

he let out a deep sigh as he sat up in bed making sure to turn off his alarm before it rang, he then forced himself out of bed and got ready for classes, once he was ready he left his dorm and started walking to class.

"oi icy hot!"

todoroki stopped in his tracks once he heard a familiar blonde yell, he couldn't help but smile as he turned to look at bakugou.

"good morning to you too," he greeted, of course it wasn't an exactly "good morning."

bakugou noticed this too, "you look like shit, let me guess more nightmares?" he asked.

todoroki rubbed the nape of his neck, humming in response. the blonde rolled his eyes, "you better not fall asleep in class!" he growled.

"is that why you called me over? just to tell me that? that's disappointing." todoroki mumbled, he then sighed and continued walking.

"i didn't say you can leave!' bakugou yelled after him as he caught up, "i wanted to give you something." that made todoroki stop.

"is it a bomb?"

bakugou scoffed, "why the fuck would i give you a bomb?"

todoroki shrugged. "you seem like the type of person who would try and blow up a school," he really didn't mean that but he loved seeing the expressions bakugou made whenever he was bothered, annoyed, or simply angry.

bakugou was slowly losing his patience, maybe talking to todoroki wasn't such a good idea. but he made a deal, and he likes to keep his word. "trust me you'll be the first person i'll blow up, but not today, i have the bento i said i'd make for you." he said, as he handed a blue bento box to todoroki.

the bi colored male looked at the box for a second, he seemed to be analyzing it. "how do i know you didn't poison it?"

bakugou grimaced. "i don't know why don't you try it during lunch to see if it's poisoned or not?"

"well why don't you sit with me during lunch to see when the poison kicks in? that's if you poisoned it of course, wouldn't like to falsely accuse you." todoroki responded, with a smirk on his face.

bakugou scowled and rolled his eyes, "yeah no fucking thanks, you're fucking lucky you get to taste my amazing food." he said, walking ahead of todoroki.

todoroki smiled and put the bento away in his backpack, "wait for me bakugou."

"gross get away from me you half n half bastard!"

fortunately todoroki was feeling a bit better, maybe the day wouldn't be so bad after all.

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