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one word crossed bakugou's mind as he helplessly laid in bed.

fuck, make that two words, shit.

he couldn't believe his luck, who would've expected him to wake up the next morning with a fever. his head hurt like hell and his throat felt irritated, he couldn't even properly drink water without wincing in pain.

he felt like shit, more than usual.

what he felt worse about was not being able to meet up with todoroki. he was probably already waiting for him at the place where they agreed to meet up. both boys had agreed to stop by for some soba and then go to the park, but of course all plans were ruined thanks to bakugou's fever.

he groaned as he reached over to his night stand grabbing his phone. he had at least 10 missed calls from the bi colored male and 20+ messages. most of them were todoroki asking where the blonde was and if he was okay.

the blonde sighed softly and sent a quick message to todoroki saying he wouldn't be able to meet up with him because he was sick. he set his phone down and closed his eyes for a moment, he soon fell asleep shortly.

he woke up two hours later at the feeling of something cold on his forehead. he scrunched his nose as he touched his forehead, he was surprised once he felt a damp cloth. he took it off and sat up in bed and looked down at his hands, he quickly noticed he was wearing a different shirt.

"hey, how are you feeling?" he heard a familiar voice say, he blushed lightly once he saw todoroki across the room sitting down.

"alright," he quietly responded, he then asked. "did you change my shirt?"

the other nodded and smiled. "yes, you were drenched in sweat and i wanted you to feel comfortable as you slept, i also kept wetting the cloth on your forehead. luckily your fever went down a bit, you were burning up when i arrived though." he explained as he walked over to the blonde, he leaned forward and placed his forehead against bakugou's.

"you fever is gone, i just hope it doesn't return." he whispered, bakugou blushed deeply and cleared his throat.

he then pushed the other away. "it was just a dumb fever, why did you even come anyways?"

"because my boyfriend said he was sick? obviously i was going to take care of you, besides you did the same for me remember?"

bakugou remembered that day clearly, the day todoroki caught a cold. "yeah but unlike you i can take care of myself," he scoffed. "besides it was just a dumb fever, i probably caught a cold because i've been going out to run every night."

todoroki thought for a moment, he then grinned. "heh, ever heard the saying only idiots catch colds?"

the blonde scowled. "wanna say that again to my face?"

todoroki quietly laughed and shook his head. "no it's okay, i'd rather have you eat first. are you hungry? i made porridge."

bakugou arched a brow. "the hell, you know how to cook?"

"my sister taught me, it was mostly the two of us at home so she always cooked for me. and later on she taught me," he said. "i don't mean to brag but i make delicious porridge."

the blonde shrugged. "fine, serve me some then."

"a 'please serve me some porridge honey' would be nice." todoroki cheerfully chimed.

"hell no!" bakugou quickly said, todoroki already know the blonde would respond that way.

still it was worth a try, he shrugged and handed the blonde a bowl of porridge, bakugou stared at it for a moment.

"just eat it, go on and try it."

bakugou sighed and did as he was told, fuck, the other was right. todoroki did make fucking great porridge. "it's alright, it could use some work though." he said, obviously what he said were lies.

todoroki nodded. "i'll work on my porridge once you work on your lying, saying lies isn't nice bakugou." he said. "if you keep lying you'll be punished."

todoroki arched a brow as he heard the blonde immediately start to cough, he gently patted bakugou's back. "hey eat slowly."

"it's your fault for saying something so weird!"

"something weird?" todoroki smirked. "either i'm weird or you have a dirty mind."

bakugou deeply blushed. "shut the hell up! you're the only one with a dirty mind!"

todoroki nodded, "whatever you say sweetheart, now eat your porridge, and after your done eating your taking your medicine and then you're going to sleep alright?"

"i'm not a baby ya know," the blonde grumbled.

the other smiled softly and kissed bakugou's forehead. "right, i forgot, your aiming to be the number one hero right?"

"damn right i am."

"well, if it makes you feel better, you're already the number one hero in my eyes."

for a moment bakugou's heart stopped, he looked up at todoroki and smiled. not just any smile, a genuine smile, it had been so long since he truly smiled. "tch, you're an idiot."

todoroki smiled, he truly was an idiot, one that bakugou completely adored.

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