▪︎》Chapter IX: "Priority&Sacrifice" - Part1《•

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"They are moving from place to place trying to strengthen her weapon. They're in Europe now." she said on the phone.

"I see. Is she doing well?" the other woman over the phone asked.

"Yes. It's the boy who saved her. They're together now." she answered.

"That's good to know. Her path is still the way it should be." the woman replied.

"Continue your surveillance. It's still too early to tell her what's waiting for her in the future." the woman commanded.

"Alright, we'll stay low." she answered.

Then, the call ended.


Per watched Zach and Claire on their seats as they dream together. Zach was holding her hand while she's resting her head on his shoulder. That moment, they looked like a normal couple hiding nothing to the world.

Per smiled while seeing them peacefully enjoying each other in front of her seat. They were on a first class plane heading to Russia.

She pulled her phone out from her pocket and took a picture of them.

"I see two beings unafraid to defy anything that tries to break their love. They've been through a lot to reach this point." Ark commented. He was sitting beside her.

"They look so beautiful. They proved that difference is never a wall between them. Their love is amazingly remarkable. They are the first after all." she replied.

"These two will surely make an incredible history, and I'm glad we're behind their story." he said.

"Story? ...You know what, you gave me an idea... I'll make sure no one will ever forget that their's a great love story that happened between a divine and a mortal." she responded while wearing a smile on her face.

When they arrived in Russia, they quickly planned their next moves. Since it's a big country, they prepared for a longer stay.

Place by place, they did the same routine. It took them almost two months finishing half of the country's cities.

On their ninth week, after absorbing evil presence from more than seven hundred infected souls inside an abandoned building, Claire saw Zach fell on the pavement.

She was alarmed. She quickly raced towards him. When she got near, she immediately noticed him breathing heavy and struggling to stand.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked. Her face looked completely worried.

Zach gave in and dropped his body on the floor while still chasing his breath.

"Sorry... I can't move my body." he mumbled while trying to calm his breathing.

"Don't speak anymore. Rest. We'll take you in a safe place." she told him.

She knew he's not in good shape. There were signs of extreme exhaustion and fatigue all over him. That moment, she can't help but blame her self thinking she failed to take care of him. He's still a human after all.


In a small house, they took refuge. Per arranged a schedule for a private human doctor to check Zach's condition.

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