Chapter 12

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About a week later, Jefferson and his team had finally managed to get everything they needed to put a plan into action. Jefferson and Jen had managed to capture two female ASA agents, mainly because they didn't want to hear Anissa complain about having to disguise herself as a man.

Anyways, thanks to some effective 'persuasion' courtesy of Gambi, the agents they captured provided Black Lightning's team with everything they needed to infiltrate Proctor's base of operations. Their shift times, clearance and access codes, everything they'd need to avoid arousing suspicion.

With that data, they'd been able to formulate a plan. Gambi had programmed the voices, appearances and other biometrics into the cloaking devices and he knew from his experiences in the Pit that these cloaking devices would fool the ASA's system, especially since they'd gotten the information they needed from the agents they captured.

Lynn and Anissa would be the team going into the base, since they were the only ones who could get in undetected. Once they were in, they'd split up, Anissa would head to the security center and plant a video hacker to allow Gambi to get accurate eyes on them and the base while Lynn headed to Proctor's office, since they'd all agreed that if there was anything on the base that could be used to incriminate the ASA, it was in there. If Proctor happened to be in his office, then, Jefferson and Jen, who would both be positioned outside to help with their escape, would temporarily disable the generators and cause enough chaos to force Proctor to leave his office, while Gambi quarterbacked the mission from the Sanctum.

After they infiltrated the base, Anissa quickly made her way into the security center and found an unused terminal to plant the hacker.

"Hacker planted." Anissa said.

"Patching into the system now." Gambi said as he got eyes on the facility and while he got eyes on Proctor's office and found that it was empty, he was far more concerned with where Proctor was at this time.

"Lynn, you're clear to enter Proctor's office, but Anissa, you should pull up the footage of the detention block. There's something there you need to see." Gambi said.

"Okay." Anissa said as she did what Gambi said and she immediately saw what he was talking about.

"No." Anissa said.

"Anissa, what is it?" Jefferson asked.

"It's Grace. She's here. And it looks like Proctor is trying to turn her into a weapon." Anissa said angrily as she watched Proctor continuously torture Grace.

"Anissa, don't do anything rash." Jefferson said.

"Too late. Dad, I'm not leaving her here. Especially not like this. I'm getting her out." Anissa said.

"I'm not saying you need to leave her here. I'm just saying you need to be smart about it." Jefferson said.

"We don't have time to make a plan. I don't care about the rest of the mission, I am getting Grace out of here now." Anissa said.

"Then now might be a good time for Black Lightning and Lightning to cause a diversion." Jen said over the comms.

"We'll blow the generators, that should cause a diversion for both you and your mother to get what you came for and get out." Jefferson said.

"Copy." Anissa said as she got up from the terminal and moved, not even noticing how her watch was beeping.

After Gambi got Lynn into Proctor's office, she knew that she needed to move quickly, since with the revelation that Grace was a prisoner here, Lynn suspected it was only a matter of time until not only Proctor was onto them, but more importantly, until Thunder finally made her return, since she was certain the anger Anissa was feeling would finally be what triggered her meta gene. Not that Lynn could blame her of course, but still, she knew that she suddenly had a lot less time to work.

"Gambi, do you have any idea on what exactly I'm looking for?" Lynn asked.

"I remember during Tobias's first attack on this base, Proctor tried to escape with some kind of briefcase. I'm betting that if you can find that case, it will give us the information we need." Gambi said.

"Great. Now I just have to find it." Lynn said.

"I'm working on narrowing down the location for it now." Gambi said, right as the lights flickered and she heard an explosion that clearly indicated the Black Lightning and Lightning had just set off their diversion.

"Actually, I think I found it." Lynn said as she picked up a briefcase and attempted to open it.

"Okay, the fact that I can't open this thing is a good sign." Lynn said.

"Agreed. I'm willing to bet that is what we need. get out of there, since I'm positive that Proctor's forces are going to figure out there insurgents the moment Anissa sees him." Gambi said.

"Did her watch's sensor go off?" Lynn asked.

"Yes, it did. But I'm going to let her figure that out for herself." Gambi said.

"Got it, tell Jeff I'm moving out." Lynn said.

"On it." Gambi said.

Anissa finally noticed her watch's beeping when she arrived at the detention level and finally looked down at it and smiled at what she saw it say.

Metagene activated.

"Time for some Thunder." Anissa said as she tapped her watch to activate her suit.

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