6. You're Stubborn

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“I don’t know, Kiba…”

“[Name], you picked the last movie we watched together. So why can’t we watch the one I pick this time?" Kiba grumbled under his breath. "Besides, I thought the agreement was that I get to choose the movie when I come to your place and you get to pick when you come to mine?”

“Does it have to be a horror movie?” [Name] averted her gaze and stared at the floor to avoid having to look at her boyfriend. 

“It’s not that scary, I promise."

'Or so I've heard...' Kiba thought back to the day he went to the video store and was recommended by an employee to give it a watch with that special someone.

"Seriously, I doubt a movie that’s titled ‘Revenge of the Clown: The Last Laugh’ is really something to freak out over.” Kiba laughed while using air quotes.

“Hm, I dunno...”

“[Name], why do you have to be so stubborn?”

“Oh yeah,” [Name] retorted back hotly. “Look who's talking.”

[Name] reluctantly looked up into Kiba’s charcoal hues and immediately regretted her decision. Those eyes… those cute and irresistible damn eyes looked just like those of an innocent puppy!

“Fine,” [Name] sighed in defeat.

“YAHOO!” Kiba punched a fist in the air victoriously.

“But if it gets too scary—”

“Don’t worry,” Kiba chuckled and draped an arm over her shoulder. “I told you it’s not that scary. If you get scared, I’ll hold your hand.”

Despite Kiba’s comforting words, [Name] didn’t feel very reassured when Kiba eagerly removed the video from its case and started the movie.


“G-Get away from me! Leave me alone or I’ll—AAAAAAAH!”

As the television screen faded to black and to the end credits, Kiba turned off the television and stretched his arms above his head.

“Well, the movie didn't turn out to be as cool as I thought it would be,” Kiba sighed in disappointment. “But I guess when the clown popped out of his grave and used a hacksaw on that one chick in the end wasn’t so bad. So what did you think of—uh…?”

“S-Scary clowns… chainsaws… c-clown invasion.”

“Babe… you uh, gonna be okay?”

As Kiba stared at [Name]’s mortified form on the couch, she looked anything but okay. Her face was a ghostly shade of white while her arms hugged her legs close to her chest in a fetal position and her pupils were replaced with white circles. He waved a hand in front of her face, but she appeared to be too traumatized to even notice.

"Hm," Kiba rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment.

Cautiously, he poked [Name]’s shoulder which caused her to fall off the couch, a small wavy ghost coming out of her mouth.

Kiba winced as she hit the floor, frantically helping her up off the floor.

‘…Maybe we should’ve just watched a Romantic Comedy.’

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