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*I do not own anything, This is just a filler Chapter!!!*

*Just had to change the dress colours*


"-nette MARINETTE MARINETTE WAKE UP" Tiki yells in my ear, i shoot up and just miss head-butting Tiki "i am so sorry Tiki" i say while getting out of bed "Marinette your gonna be late for school i already chose a outfit for you" Tiki squeaks, my eyes widen in surprise i jump out of bed and chuck on the clothes Tiki picked as well as my bag that Tiki hoped in and run to down stairs but just as i am about to leave the bakery i trip, out of all of the things i could do, I tripped. I pick myself up and run out the door while putting my hair in my signature hairstyle. 

I run the fastest i could ever run just because i don't wan't to be late so i can talk to Alex and Chloe, i know what you are thinking....well i don't really know but you get the point either way Lila made good on that threat and took all my friends except Alex because she saw Lila walking fine in public when just the other day she had claimed to have a broken knee so she couldn't walk so she had apologised and we became friends but Chloe apologised and we became friends she didn't believe the lies from the beginning but she also became lonely once Lila took Sabrina so she had apologised for everything and she changed and now she, Alex and our two other friends Zara and Zola they are identical twin sisters and Zola and Alix are soulmates and they are very very overprotective.

When i finally see the school i slow down because i know i am going to make it "hey Tiki, what time is it?" i say while going through the doors of the school "it's 7 minutes to class Marinette"  she squeaks, I walk over to my groups of friends ignoring the glares and stares i get " Hey girls" i say as i sit next to Zara, "hey Marinette" they all say in unison i was about to talk when my phone started to vibrate, i take out my phone and i see my friends looking at me in confusion, i just shrug and answer the text.


Different Language (French)

Marinette: "Hello?"

Unknown: "Hello, I'm Bruce Wayne and i am here to inform you your essay won and you and your class are allowed to come to Gotham and get a tour of WE" 

I shot up out of my seat as my eyes widen in surprise while my friends just stare at me with confused and worried looks.

Marinette has Changed Unknown to Bruce Wayne

Marinette has changed Marinette to Mari

 Mari: "Yes of course, i will tell my teacher then we can organise from there?"

Bruce Wayne: "Alright"

 Mari: "okay Mr Wayne, i have to go now"


I heard a rather loud noise but then i realised it was a short squeal from....ME, i did the unthinkable i SQUEALED, why did i squeal? "-inette Marinette MARINETTE" i got snapped back into reality by Chloe on the floor laughing holding her stomach and Alex and Zola shaking me and Zara shouting my name "I'm okay, i just won a competition with my essay and now we get to to Gotham and do alot of cool stuff, plus imagine all the inspiration for new clothes" I say in a rushed tone but i know they all heard it "woa-" she was cut off by the bell ringing "Welp, let's get to class" Zara said, once we all sat down near each other and the teacher came in, i went up to the front and just handed her my phone, she was the only teacher to believe Lila's lies so i knew i just had to show her proof but she hates me and i don't even know why! "very well i will tell the class go back up to your seat Marinette" i didn't bother to say anything and went back up to my seat and sat down, "Alright Class, I have a surprise we will be going to Gotham" everyone shouted and celebrated then she just had to make another lie "Oh you can all thank me, it must have been my soulmate who did that" everyone just looked at her confused "who's your soulmate?" Ayla asked i still can't believe her she left me for some liar that she just met " Damian Wayne we met when Jagged Stone took me to one of Bruce Wayne's Galas and that's when we found out we were soulmates-" she then proceed to rant about how love sick he always is when she leaves Gotham or when a video chat ends, i doubt this one is true, but whoever is her real soulmate i pity them 

~Time Skip To After School~

"What do u guys wanna do now?" Chloe asked " I sorry i can't i have to get the Gotham trip going i'm soo sorry i will text you guys later" i say as i run back into the school to meet up with the teacher "Hi Monsieur Bustier i was just gonna organise the Gotham trip with you so we can get it done now rather than later" i said in a rather monotone voice, i really didn't like this teacher "ah, right well i will send out the e-mail and you can do the rest right? well bye i have to go to a teachers meeting" she said as she basically ran out of the room, i groan she is just like the students taking the easiest part then leaving the hardest part to me " well better get started" i mumble as i start to walk home, i take out my phone so i just get it over with


Mari: Hello Mr Wayne i am ready to organise text me back when you are ready


MariBug has entered the Chat

MariBug: Hey guys what are all of you doing

Queen: Shopping why?

NightOwl: Well we walked off so now they are having a date 😂


XxXBlueJXxX: Very funny ha ha ha


MariBug: There is going to be a Gala at the end of the 4 weeks!!!! so...i have to make like alot of dresses, i might get like two done before the trip then i can do the rest during the trip wdyt?

XxXBlueJXxX: You go girl!!!

Queen: Our dresses will be the best there

MariBug: What colour?

NightOwl: blue

XxXBlueJXxX: Whatever

Queen: yellow or gold!!!

Bunny: green

MariBug: great i already have your measurements, i will have a red dress 

Queen: I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Bunny:.....We have to go now bye MariBug😅

Queen: Bye!!!

NightOwl: Bye

XxXBlueJXxX: Bye

MariBug: Bye❤️


Once i got into the bakery i ran up to my room and flopped on my bed "this is going to be a long 3 weeks to the trip" i thought to myself 



Sorry this chapter sucks i'm not that good at writing!

i will try to update soon!!!

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