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3 weeks later


I groan as i get up, i have to get up extra early and i have been pushing myself to my limits creating the dresses and organising the trip plus being Ladybug just adds onto it, i feel like every bone in my body is like a stick and if i move it will break. I ignore the headache forming and grab some clothes, my style of clothes changed from two years ago when Lila first came and i don't stutter anymore but the words Lila say still hurt me but i try to push that feeling away. i grab my boots and red dress and get changed but i just let my hair fall down, it has grown alot since two years ago and now it reaches down to my back. 

(This is what she is wearing but with a Purse)

I go down my trap door and i see my parents waiting for me with something in their hands "hey honey, here you go" Mamam says while she hands me a box "whats this for?" i ask as i grab the box "oh don't tell me you forgot!" Papa says, i can't tell ...

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I go down my trap door and i see my parents waiting for me with something in their hands "hey honey, here you go" Mamam says while she hands me a box "whats this for?" i ask as i grab the box "oh don't tell me you forgot!" Papa says, i can't tell if he is trying not to laugh or if he is serious "forget what?" i am honestly confused as to what they are saying " My sweet Marinette, It's your birthday" Mamam says and all i can do is smile sheepishly as i unwrap the gift, i open the box to see one necklace with a feather that goes from blue to white and a bracelet with pink and white circles all around it "Thank you guys so much!!!" i all but shout while i leap into a hug but not before i put them in my purse "i'm sorry Mamam and papa but i have to get to school so we can go on a field trip to Gotham and don't worry i will call as soon as i get there okay?" i say in a rushed tone as i grab my suitcases, one of the two suitcases are for my clothes and everything i will need and the other one is for the three finished dresses i have and the everything i need for the other dresses i even brought my sewing machine, "alright but don't forget to call us as soon as you land no matter what time it is"  Papa said, i just nod as i drag the suitcases down and out the door of the bakery.

As i walk to school i can't help but think about the old guardian, it sucks being the guardian of the miraculous but at least chat noir wasn't the guardian because he stopped coming to fight akumas awhile ago and if i do ever see him he just flirts with me, i can't say i haven't thought about taking away his miraculous but if i do take it away he won't ever trust me again and he might go to hawkmoth's side, it's just to hard, i might ask the Kwamis what they think should be done especially Plagg, i mean he is his owner so he must know the answer, i get knocked out of my thoughts by tripping on a staircase that i didn't see and fall onto the staircase, i thought i was fine until.

"Oh my god she can't even walk to school properly, and what's with her outfit it is definitely a rip off of MDC, she doesn't even have enough money for the real thing" at that i just want to point out that lie i mean how can MDC not have enough money to bye MDC, that's right i'm MDC the mysterious fashion designer that no one knows the identity of, well except my friends Jagged and me not even my parents know, but they promised to never tell. I try to get up only to be pushed back down onto the staircase with so much force that i couldn't even put my hands up to protect me like i did before so now i will definitely have a bruise on my face, i heard Lila and her group of "friends" laughing before walking up the staircase that i was on but not before one of them kicked me in the stomach as i was still laying on the staircase and that kick caused me to curl in on myself because of the pain.Once the pain vanishes i try to sit up, to see that i am outside of the school, i must have been so lost in thought that i just walked my usual route to school, i stand up again and head into the school and to the classroom.

Once i walk into the classroom i can feel all the glares from the class except for my friends, i walk up to the back of class with my suitcases without being tripped, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" i ask as i sit next to Zara "oh hey Mari, we are talking about the Gala" i chuckle of course they are talking about it "Hey, Do you have our dresses?" i don't even know who asked that but i just gave them all a really look "of course oh by the way look what my parents gave me!" i say a little too loud, i grab my bracelet and necklace from my purse and put it on the table for all of them to look at, but what i didn't know was someone else wanted to look at them as well "why?" Zora asked but Chloe had a look of realisation on her face "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mari, i will buy you something at the airport i promise" Chloe says with a guilty look then everyone seemed to catch on after she said that, " I'm so sorry Mari i didn't know" The twins said in unison while alix just looked guilty "Guys it's okay, to be honest if my parents never gave me this i would have never known it was my birthday i totally forgot so no wonder you did to" i said while laughing at the end.

"Class is everyone Here?" there was a chorus of "yes" and "yep" throughout the classroom, i turn to my friends and see them grabbing their stuff so i grabbed my necklace and bracelet off of the table and put it back into my purse then grab my suitcases and head down to the bus with my friends. We head to the back of our bus and sit down "so...How old did you turn today?" Chloe asked, i didn't even think about that "umm...16?? Why?" i said still unsure but what i didn't expect was that they all started to squeal causing everyone to look at us "WHAT IS IT!" Alix screamed causing to even more confused even me "Whats what?" i was really confused "Your soulmate mark you turned 16 today" Alix replied already looking for a soulmate mark on my body but that got the attention of the whole bus "Just like Marinette to take any chance to get attention" Lila scoffed while everyone was just glaring at me "You don't always need attention Maritrash" Ayla spat out venom lacing every word but then i got an idea 

"huh, guess that what made ladybug hate you" i remarked, her face softened but then turned to anger "like you would know" she said with venom covering every word she pat out like it was poisonous, "i mean she must if she didn't want you to be Rena Rouge anymore" i spat out while i heard gasps from all over the bus "H-How?" she managed to stutter out "it's not that hard to figure out, the day Rena Rouge stopped coming to battles was the same day you became distant and mean and i am glad that she did that because how could a bully like you ever become a hero" i lie venom lacing the last part of what i said, i could see the heartbreak in her eyes and i am glad that we aren't in hawkmoth's reach it sucks having to bubble up your anger and sadness just so you won't turn into a rage monster, after that no one dared to say anything so the ride to the airport was quiet.

Once we arrived to the airport the tension was so thick you can cut it with a knife "Ok Class grab your suitcases and meet near the doors" Madame Bustier said, we all rushed to get our suitcases, as i got my suitcases i heard it " Madame Bustier Marinette is stealing someones else's suitcase" She said in that annoyingly high pitch voice, "Marinette is this true?" Madame Bustier said while she coming towards me. "No, Madame it is not true these are my bags" i said as i crossed my arms "She is just saying that so she doesn't get in trouble!" theres that high pitch voice again " Oh will you shut up, these are both mine! one of them is fulled with my clothes while the other is filled with the dresses for the gala for my real friends" I just couldn't take it anymore 

"Now girls, Marinette will you please open your bags so we can see if you are telling the truth?" she said it as a question but i knew it was a demand " Fine, Guys you may as well see your dresses" i said facing my friends, as i placed my suitcases on the ground my friends came up to the front. "Hurry up Maritrash" Lila said while her group just laughed even Adrien and that stung, i used to have a crush on him but now i hate his guts ever since he said to take the high road he has taken part in the bullying, i wanna run up to Lila and punch her in the face but all i do is sigh and open up the suitcase with all my clothes "see just clothes, all mine" i say as i open up the other one "Dresses and sowing machine there" i say as i hear all my friends gasp "There Beautiful, thank you" Zara say while she comes up and hugs me "Whats with all the extra cloth?" Chloe asks as she zips up my other suitcase "Dresses" i all i say as i zip up my suitcase and grab both of them "Now, i think you owe her an apology Lila" Zola says as she grins but i just ignore the fight thats coming and walk to the doors of the airport "Hurry up were going to miss our flight if don't continue" I shout over to the group and as soon as i said that everyone rushed over to the doors only minutes away from boarding the plane and be on our way to Gotham.

~Spoiler for next Chapter sort of~


I woke to this massive pain from my wrist, it felt like my skin was burning and when i looked at what it was, it was....

....An Angel


....An Devil

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