Chapter 9 ~ Meeting his dad

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* Ryann / Unique *

I searched through my stuff last minute because I wasn't sure it was there. Then I found my baby, my best friend, my hand gun. Unique wouldn't have needed it but Ryann definitely does. I'm not sure who I can trust or what my identity has told them about me. Who am I actually? Well that's something you'll find out soon enough.

My outfit was simple enough tonight, I wore all black. My hair was straightened just in case I needed to put it up quickly: I had on my black leather zip up jacket with the word Tough sewn into the back. Along with a black crop top, it probably wasn't the best idea to wear this as my cuts and my on coming bruises were shown along with some of my past bruises. Along with some dark blue jeans and some black heels. I was ready to kill tonight if necessary and that's what I'll do.

 I was ready to kill tonight if necessary and that's what I'll do

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^my outfit w/ a black purse ^

* The restaurant *

Dontrell or Donatello whatever you wanna call him opened the car door for me. I was nervous but at the same time I wasn't. I had a feeling he already knew about the tattoos on my arms from all the jobs I've done but those are more of secrets I keep for myself. We walked into a restaurant definitely Italian, empty of course. Their father seemed definitely like someone in the business, someone my family would associate with. We walked over to the table as the bodyguards near the wall watched us. When we got close enough he stood up to greet us.

"Mr. Russo." I said as I kissed next to his right cheek then his left as my parents taught me. He greeted his children before pulling the chair out for a Camille then me.

"How are you darling?" He asked as we looked at the menus.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm doing quite delightful but I figured you aren't here to let me make small conversation."

"I'm sorry Mr. Russo as much as I would love too, I'm not. I am curious though, how did you know who I was?"

"Ms. De Luca as I should say, your image hasn't changed. The way you hold yourself like your father did."

"You knew my father very well didn't you?"

"I did. I am curious myself how have you hidden all these years?" He said as I've thought of all the names I've had the times I've had to move, how long it's been since I've been to Italy.

"If I'm being truthful it hasn't been easy. I've been all over the place, different jobs, different people. I just haven't been out of the county in a while." I said smiling as he shook his head and the waiter came over. He gave me a flirty smile as if I wouldn't blast his ass off right now, only if I wasn't having dinner with the head family of the Italian Mafia as I'm surrounded by bodyguards.

"What can I get you pretty lady?" He asked as the whole table looked at him crazy. I gave him the motion to come forward and whispered in his ear "I'm not interested but I know if I just say that you'll keep going. So I'm going to tell you, if you try to say one more thing about my appearance I will follow you home and kill you in front of your entire little pathetic family, then kill them too take your money and give it too charity." I said as his eyes widened he moved back up staring at me.

"You- you wouldn't do that. Your only a girl and I have a wife and kids at home." He said looking like he was about to cry. "Try me just because I'm a girl don't mean nun. And for my drink just start me off with some sprite please." I said giving off a sweet smile as he took our drinks order around the table and hurried off.

"Damn, you don't surprise my Ryan. So you mentioned, you haven't been to Italy in a while?" Mr. Russo asked me as I just wished I could go back.

"Yes sir, my life's been busy."

"Well listen to this, I know one of your brothers has taken over the plug supplier business but I think you'd be a better boss-" he said as I opened my mouth. "Don't cut me off young lady, I know you know better. So listen, the Italian mafia is basically your families biggest incomes and we haven't bought since your dad passed, because I just never trusted your older brother. You on the other hand seem very different Ryan so I'm going to have you take over. There will be a lot of traveling back and forth but eventually if you think you can handle it you can stay in the states and do it. During this time I'd like you to get closer to my son Dontrell."

"I would love to decline this offer, because I wouldn't want to take this job from my brother. The thing is I know better than that and I value my life, I would love to have the money for the rest of my family. I can take the traveling back and forth. Also I know Dontrell's real name is Donatello, I do my research. If it's okay with him I will become closer over this time, upon your wishes. All I ask for return is security, I want my family to stop running. Also I want to make sure my Jet won't blow up like my fathers did. It was lucky I survived once, wouldn't want to risk it." I said as he nodded. The waiter can't back with our drinks then asked for our orders I noticed he managed to completely avoid eye contact with me which I found hilarious.

"I am curious though, how did you survive." He asked as I smirked, it's a secret I'll take to my grave. I thought as the waiter started to come out with food.

"That's a secret I'll never tell."

"Another secret, your full of them, aren't you Ms. De Luca. Also what's with the jacket, I know about the tattoos." He said stabbing into his stake. I took my jacket off revealing tattoos about some of the jobs I've done before.

"I wasn't going to give you the wrong impression of me." I smirked as the table laughed.

"Okay okay. Funny funny but your gonna needs get marked sooner than later, and do the burning of the saint. Like before you go to Italy."

"Yes sir." I said as Camille felt it was my turn to speak up.

"Ryann I just want to say your amazing and I wish I could be you." She said, as I laughed.

"I don't know about that. You have all of this in front of you, I have numbers of deaths weighing on my back, years of lies and lost family." I said thinking about everything.

"I guess your right." She said smiling at her family before turning back to her food. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh. After that we just made small talk before I headed "home" which was really just the compound but it's fine, it's a place to sleep. Tonight though, I'm keeping a gun under my pillow.


Happy 4th of July if your celebrating it this year😊.

~ Celia

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