Chapter 17 ~ Sister in laws

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* Ryann *

The bag was pulled from over her head as I stood in the tarp filled room. I could only smile knowing now I'd get my drugs back but with a little bit of fun first. I examined her skin tone, and features some I noticed highly.

"¿Eres hispana?" I asked in Spanish as she nodded, I knew when I got a clear look but had an idea when I heard her voice.
Are you Hispanic?

¿Por qué estoy aquí? She asked harshly as my eyes turned black, many people would describe it.
Why am I here?

"Oh cuñada hago las preguntas aquí" I said smirking looking at her once more. "Entonces, ¿Donde están mis drogas?" I asked while her eyes widened making my smile grow wider.
Oh, sister-in-law I ask the questions here..... so, where are my drugs?

"No sé." She said aggravating me.
I don't know.

"¿Donde están mis drogas?" I asked louder annoyed by her lying. She's most likely been trained for this.
Where are my drugs?

"No sé." She cried out causing me to roll up my sleeves. I was really about to hurt this girl.

"¿Mi hermano te puso en esto?" I asked as she closed her eyes harshly, like trying to remember what she was supposed to say.
Did my brother put you up to this?

"No." She answered with a blank face.

"Respuesta incorrecta." I said punching her hard across the face, she spit out towards me causing me to punch her again.
Incorrect answer

"Estoy con El Niño!" She yelled out when I went to punch her in the stomach. I eyed her, was she lying?
I'm with child!

"¿Dónde están mis drogas?" I yelled, ready to just kill her and her whole family.
Where's my drugs?

"No sé." She smirked as I smacked her. I remembered an old torture technique my father taught me once and decided to go with that.

"¿Quién es tu padre favorito?" I asked sitting down as Donatello eyed me skeptically.
Who's your favorite parent?

"Mi madre, por supuesto. ¿Por que?" She asked looking up at me. She looked me in the eyes which was a huge mistake.
My mother, of course. Why?

"dime dónde están las drogas o tú, tu bebé y tu madre mueren." I said as her eyes widened when she realized I wasn't serious.
Tell me where the drugs are or you, your baby and your mother die.

"Está bien, te lo digo." She said as a wide smile grew on my face and a frown on hers.
Okay, I'll tell you

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