Her Address

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Wangnan's POV

"HEY GUYSSS," I grinned, dragging Viole with me. It was lunch, and I found Ehwa sitting on our usual table with Prince and Miseng.

Ehwa grabbed my arm then pulled me aside. "Why did you bring Viole? Is he eating with us?"

"Yeah, problem?"

"Doesn't he hate us or something? Like yeah, he's cute and all-"

"Want me to try and hook you two up?" I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Isn't your hair a bit long for a boy?" Prince asked Viole as we sat down next to him. His eyes suddenly widened. "W-W-WAIT, ARE YOU A GIRL? I'M SO SORRY-"

Miseng kicked him. "Don't be rude. Boys can have long hair too," she rolled her eyes.

"Guys, this is Viole," I introduced. "I know he's quiet and all, but he's a real softie inside!"

Viole looked at me. "..."

"Viole, this is Prince and Miseng," I told him. "They're both a year younger than us, but we're all good friends."

"Nice to meet you!" Miseng beamed. I watched as Viole slowly gave her a nod. Prince scoffed and crossed his arms. I glared at him then mouthed 'you brat', and he shrugged it off.

"Welcome to our gang," Ehwa gave him a warm smile.


Khun's POV

"Blue Turtle, where are you going?" Rak called after me as I walked toward the opposite direction from the dorms.

"You don't need to know," I replied, ignoring him.

"HEY! STOP LEAVING ME OUT! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME," he yelled then threw his bag at me.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I groaned then tossed his bag back to him.

"Where are you going? I saw you talking to Mr. Hansung today, and he gave you this crappy paper! I heard you saying you'll go after school today! TELL ME WHERE YOU'RE GOING OR I'LL CALL YOU UGLY TURTLE. I KNOW YOU HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL YOU UGLY!"

I sighed then rubbed my forehead.

"Well, I asked for Rachel's address," I said, and he immediately gasped.


"Don't you want to see Bam, though?" I asked him. 

He slowly nodded, then I took the crumpled piece of paper out from my pocket and showed it to him. "This is her address. There's a chance that Rachel knows where Bam is. Even though if she doesn't, I'm sure she can reach his parents or guardian. It's worth a try. The problem right now is we can't contact Bam, correct? If this keeps up, we might never see him again."

"Never see Black Turtle again...?" Rak asked sadly.

That's what I was scared of. I know if I don't act sooner, there will be a huge chance where we might never see him again. This is the only way.

"That's right," I nodded. "Believe me- I really don't want to see Rachel. But for Bam, I'll do it."

Just thinking about seeing her again is already starting to get on my nerves.

"OKAY! LET'S GO!" Rak hollered then snatched the paper away from me. I watched as he stared at the paper for a few seconds then handed it back to me. "... I have no idea what's written here."

"Just follow me...," I mumbled then started walking again. 

I wonder how's Bam doing. I hope he's well.

We took the bus then got off after around half an hour. We walked a little through the neighborhood then I finally stopped by at a small house.

"I think this is it," I murmured. I walked up to the house then rang the doorbell.



I sat up from my bed then frowned. Is it mail? My parents aren't even in town. Who is it? I slowly walked up to the main door and opened it to see Khun and Rak.










Khun's eyes widened. "Ayy! Ra-"

I immediately slammed the door shut.


Are they here to make fun of me again? I don't have time for their bullshi-

"Look, I don't want to be here too," Khun said calmly. "But as much as we wish you gone forever, we need your help."

"Pfft. Help? What help? Why would I help you?" I hissed.

"I knew you'll ask that, so of course I brought something with me. Open up, Rachel."

I bit my thumb then slammed the door opened. Just seeing them again really pisses me off already. I looked at Khun. He was giving me a sly smile, and Rak still looks as stupid as ever.

I watched as Khun took out a USB. "This is the footage of you pushing Bam off the stairs last year," he said, a smile still on his face. "Thank goodness CCTVs were placed near the staircases. I can hand this to the authorities if I want. Hurting someone like that is a very serious case."

Rak laughed. "Good job, you sneaky turtle! TAKE THAT, YELLOW TURTLE! You gotta help us now!!"

Are they still up against me for that? It's been a whole freaking year. I clenched my fists with anger.

"DO WHATEVER YOU WANT," I hollered. "You have some nerve to come to my house then threaten me. Sure, go hand it to the authorities. I'm already expelled. My parents don't even care. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! I'LL HELP YOU WHEN PIGS FLY."

"Blue Turtle, let's make pigs fly! She'll help us then!" Rak told Khun then looked back at me. "We'll bring you a flying pig, you son of a turtle!"


"Rak, I- that's not what she meant," Khun sighed. He turned back to me. "We just want to know if you know which school Bam goes to, or if you have his parents' contacts so we can contact them?"

As if I'll help them. I'll rather end up in prison than seeing Bam being with them with the stupid and pathetic smile on his face.

I always knew Bam would have to leave someday because of his uncle. Not like I care, though. I don't mind if he never comes back.

"Bam never even told you? He doesn't have parents," I rolled my eyes. "You call yourself his 'Friends'? Lol, I still know more about Bam than both of you."

I could tell they looked surprised. I'm sure it even triggered Khun a little. Seeing them being so helpless makes me feel so satisfied.

His sapphire blue eyes stared into mine for a while then he looked away. "Fine, you win, Rachel. I know you have the answers we want, but I'm sure it'll hurt your pride too much to tell us. Let's go, Rak," he said then grabbed Rak's collar and started dragging him.

Rak struggled from Khun's grip. "HUHHHH? We came here for nothing?? NO! YOU'RE NOT WASTING MY TRANSPORTATION MONEY JUST LIKE THAT-"

Khun gave me one last glance then looked away. I couldn't help but smirk. That's what they get. I'm sure Bam misses them as much as they miss him, but I hope they never see him again.

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