chapter 7 - boardgames & blame

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He kept his gym gear in the bathroom in the gym and he changed there and had started his warmup on the treadmill when she entered. He realised he had been expecting to see her in the sexy work out clothes she liked to wear, but of course she didn't have any here, so she was wearing some slightly loose leggings and an oversized t-shirt that she had tied in a knot across her midriff. How did she manage to look so cute and hot? He shook his head and increased the incline on the program pad. As he worked through his routine, he watched her following the program she had saved on her phone, which she had propped up on the floor in front of her. From the rowing machine he was watching her from behind and he had never worked so hard on it, ever, but it was difficult not to appreciate how good her ass looked from this angle. While he was seated doing lat pulldowns he was facing her from the front. Every time she bent over, the big t-shirt gaped, giving him an eyeful of her lacy bra. The same one he had removed last night and washed and hung to dry. He swallowed reflexively and tried not to stare. He finished his free weights and stretches as she did her own, then joined her on the part of the gym that had been left empty for floor work.

"Will we do it here? The meditation?" he asked. She looked at him with a frown.

"First of all, you will go and shower and get into some warm and comfy clothes, then you will meet me in the atrium," she instructed in a bossy voice. "You should be relaxed, not puffing and panting and all pumped up." She blushed at the description, and he knew immediately what she was thinking. She loved the feel of his arms when he had worked out. Their eyes suddenly met, and he couldn't break away. Her pupils had dilated and her lips were parted, she was thinking exactly what he thought she was, and he was thinking how much he wanted her to do it. Touch him. Anywhere. Everywhere.

He cleared his throat and turned to grab his towel, wiping his face and the back of his neck. "OK, I'll see you in the atrium," he said, as he made a quick retreat to his room.

Camila watched him go, enjoying the sight of his body in his shorts and t-shirt. She liked the more streamlined body shape he had now, he had been much thicker in the shoulders, chest and neck at eighteen, and that had been pretty hot, but this older, taller, leaner Shawn was.....she swallowed hard. Oh boy.

By the time he joined her in the atrium, she had found a comfortable spot and a couple of cushions for them to sit on. She instructed him in what to do, and she put the guided meditation she had stored on her phone on speaker so he could hear. He closed his eyes like she did, and listened to the man's voice, following his instructions and slowing his breathing, emptying his mind. It ended way too soon and he looked up at her with surprise.

"I thought it would be much longer," he said.

"That was thirty minutes, usually you'd start with ten, but I've been doing it a while..."

"I was meditating for half an hour?" he asked with surprise. "That was awesome!"

He felt amazing.

"Thanks," he said, helping her to her feet. It brought her closer than he felt comfortable with, but he was so relaxed he didn't care. Without giving himself time to think he pulled her into a hug, squeezing her for a moment then letting go. "I really needed that. The meditation I mean." The hug too though. "It's been....difficult, lately."

"I know. I mean, I heard, you know..."

"I know, it was everywhere. Nothing like totally wigging out and having people video it then upload it all over the internet."

"I'm so sorry Shawn," she said sadly.

He shrugged.

"I was in London that weekend...." She left it there, she didn't want to tell him where she had been. "with Matthew...". The air in the room suddenly felt very cold.

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