Chapter 193 See you Again

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Your POV

"(Sip)Ah.Now this is coffee"a familiar voice said
"Oh.Well.What a deadly surprise"
*Death appears<Death Sans.But you don't know he was a Sans>

But you don't know he was a Sans>

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<Just a picture.Not portraying how he arrives>

"Heh.Well this coffee really gave me a sweet tooth"Death
*Ink notices Death
"Woah woah.Death S-"
"Don't say my name"Death Sad as he appeared in front of Ink the vanishes

"(Sip)So kid.How's life?"Death said as he appeared back in front of you with a coffee in his cold hands
"Well it's better than Death"
"That hurts my soul.Heard you've been going psycho"Death
"(Y/N) get away from him"Epic!Frisk
"I'm fine.I met him a bunch of times"

"I wouldn't call it a "met" but more of a daily routine for the past 10 mortal years"Death
"Frisk, this is Death.I talk to him when I was on a brink of dying"
"So he's not here to kill you?"Epic!Frisk
"Heh heh that's a good one.(Y/N) is a good friend"Death
"I thought you as more of an Uncle"
"Don't make me soft.Its gonna make it hard for me to reap your soul"Death said with empty eyes
"You only take the pure ones though"
"Believe it or not kid your still pure"Death
"Well.Thanks for the reassurance.But why have you come now?Im not dying"
"I was passing by until I saw you making coffee.So I'm just taking a little break"Death
"How long was your last break?One minute ago"

"Hah ha.Yep.But I'm clocking back in.Life is going to be surprised if I'm not working.She'll keel over it"Death
"Heh.I hope she lives a little.Or "life"en things up a little"
"(Sip)Ah.Good one.But later kid"Death said as he finished the coffee
"Later Uncle"you smiled
*Death smiles and vanishes

"(Y/N) how long have you known him?"Epic!Frisk
*You walked over to Table 1 and sat on the chair on Error Frisk's left side with Epic!Frisk in front of you

"Since..well..The first time I was dying"
"(Sigh)I thought he was going to kill you"Epic!Frisk
"Nah.Only when my soul is shattered.We talk a lot since you know how many times I was about to die"

"Don't talk like you dying is nothing to me.I still worry"Epic!Frisk
*You smiled at her
*Epic!Frisk notices what she said then continues eating

"I'll stop.Omega Frisk.You're surprised too?"
"Yes.Since I can't enter your mind or watch your mind go somewhere else"Core Frisk
"Oh.So it's unknown to you.How Interesting.Sorry if he scared you to death"
"He didn't"Epic!Frisk
"What's your relationship with him?"Core Frisk asks with curiosity
"At first I thought he was going to take my soul.But he gave me some advice the next time I woke up.To me, he's a trusting friend and an "uncle" which I enjoy calling him"
"Calling Death you're Uncle doesn't make me feel comfortable"Epic!Frisk
"Well it matches up with your Angel form"Core Frisk
"Yeah.Omega Frisk Since you know everything what are-"
"I'm not sharing any information regarding about Angels or any of the kind"Core Frisk
"No fun.At least Frisk Dear will let me learn about them.After Breakfast Frisk..I want to meet them again"you said talking about the Frisk and Chara you read about
"I know.Thats why I'm letting you.But I'm not coming with you.I'll be going around the human city and knowing the surrounding area"Epic!Frisk
"Oh..You meant it like that.(Sigh)"
*Epic!Frisk just got what you were thinking
"I am coming (Y/N).Just not coming with you to see your Frisk and Chara"Epic!Frisk
"I know.Im happy you're coming"
"Go somewhere else and make some coffee or something"Epic!Frisk
"Alright.Omega Frisk what coffee do you like?"
"Cappuccino"Core Frisk
"Just because it has milk isn't because of my height!"Core Frisk
"...Quit reading my mind"
*You got off the chair but Error Frisk held your right sleeve right.You looked at her

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