Chapter 203 Dreaming

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Your POV

*In your Dream World

*You see Partner smiling

"You've showed her your memories too?"Partner
"I thought my words would send you running"
"What words...."Partner said thinking
*Partner starts to run

"You can't you run forever!"You said chasing them
"Not forever!Until morning bitch!"Partner
*You teleported in front of them and grabbed their face and bashed the back of their head to the floor

"Ahhh!....Why are you being more killer?!"Partner
"You made Core Frisk scared of me.I really like her you piece of shit"
*You plunged their head to the white ground making their head sink into the ground

"Fuck!"Partner muffled

"Make another girl I like scared of me and I'll plant your whole body in my Dream World and you won't be able to escape"
"I get it!Let me out!"Partner muffled scream
*You grabbed their black jacket and pulled their head out from the ground

*They look like they were about to vomit.You fling back to the White void

"You are so dead!"Partner
"You want to die?"

*You sense Epic!Frisk in your head
*You see her in front of you
"Frisk?"You asked
"I..want to continue"Epic!Frisk
"You can't it's dangerous here"
"Because of me"Partner
"Touch her and you know what happens next"
"Isn't this you?"Epic!Frisk
"I guess I forgot to tell you.This is a demon of a some kind.A parasitic kind"
*Partner looks like they were about to say something but it nods in agreement

"Just ignore it and what are you really here for?"
*Epic!Frisk puts her hands inside her pockets
"Just wanted to talk more"Epic!Frisk
"Well want to walk in the park?"
"Alright I'm slipping back in your hell memories"Partner
"Don't come back!"You said
"No shit"Partner
*You see Partner fade away

*You turned back to Epic!Frisk
"Heya"you smiled
"I don't think that's a Demon"Epic!Frisk
"It's not.Its just something that latch onto me when I absorb Nightmare's magic"
"Shouldn't that made you go insane?"Epic!Frisk
"Well it almost did but I managed to take his negativity away from me while I was hit by Dream Sans arrows"
*Epic!Frisk walks up to you and hugs you
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you"Epic!Frisk
"I'm frightened by this"
*Epic!Frisk pushes you away from her.She looks to her left
"Just say that you don't like it"Epic!Frisk
"I like it but you never did that"
*Epic!Frisk walks away and you grew your black wings.<4-5 feet long>You flew to her and picked her up like a princess

*Epic!Frisk didn't react as she kept her arms tucked in
"Heh.I can make anything appear here.Want to go to the mall so you know what you'll see?"
"No.You said it was a surprise"Epic!Frisk
*You smiled

"Then the park we shall go"
*You created the park area while you were in the air but still has the edges of the white worlds

"I'm surprised you're not hating this"
"So you want me to not be here?"Epic!Frisk
"No.I love you being here"
*You flew down to the water fountain and made the blue and partly cloudy sky.
"This is so weird"Epic!Frisk
"Don't you have something like this?Doesn't everyone?"
"No.I don't think anyone but you does"Epic!Frisk
"Well can I go into your head?"
"Hm.Well what do you want to do?"
"I don't know"Epic!Frisk
*You hugged her
"Well when you think of something.Let me know"
"Can I touch your wings?"Epic!Frisk
*You stopped hugging her and turned around.You spread your wings for a moment and made slowly come closer to your back
*She gently strokes down your right wing
"What do you feel?"Epic!Frisk
"Well it's like you touching any part of me.But I barely feel it because of the lack of nerves in my wings"
"So where do you feel it the most?"Epic!Frisk
"My bone wings"

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