Chapter 2

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A/n: Please note that I'm trying to give the Slayer a small sense of Earth humor. With that out of the way, enjoy!

Slayer's pov:
A large, sadistic smile quickly made it's way into my face as I looked at the horde that had just come out of the portal.

VEGA: "Analyzing.... Enemy list created. 13 imps, 4 pinkies, 1 Baron, and 1 knight."

Slayer: Not that much of a fight.

VEGA: "Kindly remember that the chaingun is currently out of commission-"

Before VEGA could continue, I switched to my super shotgun and took aim at a group of imps preparing to throw balls of hellfire.

VEGA: "Nevermind, I shall Analyze the black creatures while you fight."("A/n: No racism intended:)")

I ran towards the group and fired both shotgun shells vaporizing two imps and staggering one. I tore off the arm of it's arm and drove the exposed portion of the bone through it's skull. I turn to see a pinky charge at me and just managed roll out the way. When I stood up, I I saw that it was stuck to the side of a tree. I taunted an imp and got it throw a fireball and let it the pinky which managed to free itself. I let them infight and shifted my attention to the knight. I doged a green fireball and let off a volley of micromissiles. It stunned it long enough for me to get close enough to break it's knee causing it to fall. I tore off it's jaw and jammed it into it's skull. I turned to another pinky that's was getting ready to ram me. I threw a grenade obliterating it's head. I turned to the imp and pinky that was infighting and saw the pinky eat the imp.

Slayer: Talk about an anime betrayal.

I fired a guass cannon shot stunning it. Going in for the glory kill, I got rammed by a pinky and slammed on to a tree.

Ruby: "*gasp* Noooooo!"

I ignored her as I got with my vision going red.


I saw the pinky getting ready to chomp down on me but I stopped it by punching it and stunning it. I opened it's mouth and threw in a grenade. I heard it blow up but I was preoccupied with the group of imps. I cracked my knuckles and proceeded to crack skulls, tear off heads, tear out spines, curbstomp heads to paste and, of course, tear them in half. I turn to the pinkies tore off a tooth from one of them and stabbed it in head and threw it at the head of the other. I turn to the Baron and let off a super shotgun shot, an explosive shot, a volley of rockets and shots from the assault rifle while closing in. Once I was close enough, I jumped on to it and bashed it's head until it was a fine paste with consistenty of pancake batter. I turn to see a girl with a bigass hammer bash in the head of, what I presume to be, a giant scorpion. I turn my head to the sound of a screech and saw the girl named Ruby slicing off the head of a creature that looked like a nevermore.

Slayer: VEGA, the fuck is going on?

VEGA: "After checking the equivalent of the internet of this world, it appears that this world is called Remmant and we are in the middle of a highschool initiation."

Slayer: Fuck kind of initiation is this!?

VEGA: "Unlike highschools on Earth, highschools on this world teaches students to become warriors named huntsmen/huntresses. Their purpose is to hunt the monsters we encountered earlier. It seems that they are called Grimm."

Slayer: Seems to be a fitting name.

I hear someone puking. As I turn my head I see that the boy in white armor is puking, Wiess looked green, Ruby's eyes were covered by Great-Value Rapunzel who looked at me with horror.

Ruby: "Yang, let me see!"

The girl with the black bow seemed to have a mix of horror and awe. Hammer girl  was awestruck, the chinese-looking guy in green had a clam expression and the girl in spartan looking armor seemed to be impressed and disturbed.

Slayer: "What?"

Yang: "What? What!? You just brutally slaughtered an entire horde of.....those things and all you have to say is 'What'?"

As she says this, she removed her hands from Ruby's eyes. Who promptly threw up seeing the site in front of her.

Slayer: "They were demons. Evil. Deserved to die."

Yang: "Still! You don't have to do it in such a horrific way!"

I stood up and decided to find to find a way off of this crazy world. However, as I get up, they enter a fighting stance. I take out and rack it, preparing for a fight. However, before anything else happens, VEGA interferes.

VEGA: "Now, now. There is no need for a fight. I believe we all got off on a wrong foot. I am VEGA, the slayer's personal AI assistant. This is the Slayer."

Wiess: "Impossible."

VEGA: "Excuse me?"

Wiess: "Atlas is the only kingdom with access to AI technology. And it is quite clear from your suit that you are not Atlas personal."

VEGA: "We do not know about Atlas."

Wiess: "You do not know!? Everyone on Remmant knows about Atlas!"

VEGA: "Forgive us. You see, we are not from Remmant nor this universe for that matter."

Wiess: "Wait. You're saying the theory of infinite universes is true."

VEGA: "Yes."

Wiess: "And you're from this other universe."

VEGA: "Yes."

Yang: "Like space men?"

VEGA: "Yes."

Wiess looked dumbfounded while Yang had a look of disbelief. As VEGA continues to speak with them, they relax their stance and are in more relaxed stance.

Wiess: "I still don't believe you. Also, who is the Slayer?"

I crack my knuckles.

Yang: "Oh. In any case, we cannot leave you both here."

VEGA (to Slayer): "I advise that we go along with them. It may aid us."

Slayer: You sure?

VEGA: "Positive."

Slayer: "Alright."

Ruby: "What happened to your voice?"

Slayer: "Haven't spoken in eons."

Weiss: "You're eons old!?"

VEGA: "The Slayer and I will explain in due time. It is not safe here so I suggest we go to another area. Speaking of, where were you suggesting we go to?"

Yang: "Oh right. Well, we are supposed to get back to Beacon academy. If you come with us, we help you along with professor Ozpin although I doubt you need it judging by the way you killed those things."

VEGA: "Alright. Let us get going."

A/n: "Well that was the end of this chapter. The Slayer is going to Beacon. Let me know what you think in the comments. Peace out ma homies!"

:) :) :)

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