Chapter 3

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Slayer's pov:

While the students and I were on our way to Beacon academy, I got their names and learnt a bit more about this world such as the concept of combat schools, semblances, dust, and lien. Well VEGA did, I was focused on cleaning my weapons and trying to repair the chaingun. It seemed that I would need better tools. Listening to VEGA and the children talk about dust, I think I could use it as a substitute in place of gasoline, which doesn't exist on this planet.

Ruby: "Ummmm, Mr Slayer."

Slayer: "What."

Ruby: "Do you have an actual name other than Slayer?"

I try to remember what my name was but since it had been years since I'd heard it, I could only remember my first name.

Slayer: "It was Stan something."

All: "What! You don't remember your own name!?"

Slayer: "Could you stop with the whating? Also like I said, it been a while since I've even spoken. You don't hear your name if there's no one to talk to."

Yang: "Still, you can't go around without a last name."

Slayer: "If you're that worried, why not chose one for me?"

Ruby: "Really."

Blake: "Why not blaskovicz?"

Wiess: "Like that famous soilder?"

Blake: "Yes."

Yang: "Well they're both good with guns and are pretty strong."

Ruby: "Then it's settled. Here onwards, your name is Stan blaskovicz."

Slayer: "Whatever."

When I said this, Ruby's looked down. For some reason, this made me feel bad.

Slayer: "I guess it's pretty good."

Ruby: "Yay!"

Yang: "So, you said you're from an another universe right? What is this universe like?"

(A/n: "This is my head cannon, meant for this book only.")

Slayer: "I was a marine on this planet called Earth. During a mission, my commander told to open fire on a group of civillans."

Yang: "That's awful!"

Slayer: "I refused and made sure he didn't have a single tooth remaining."

Ruby: "Serves him right."

Everyone but the Slayer, who was still cleaning his guns, looks at Ruby.

Ruby: "What?"

Yang: "Nothing, just that you're usually against violence."

Ruby: "Eh, some people deserve it. Anyway, what happened after that?"

Slayer: "I got to another planet called Mars as-"

Weiss: "Your universe has space travel!"

Slayer: "Yes. Also interrupt me again and I'm not done talking."

Weiss: "Sorry."

Slayer: "Anyway, I got sent to Mars as a punishment. While there with my team, the base was overrun with demons from Hell. Those were the creatures I fought earlier. My entire team was killed. I fought through the base and Hell and came back to find Earth overrun. I helped to drive back the forces of Hell again but this time, I stayed in Hell to keep them from invading Earth again. In Hell, a man named 'The Betrayer' gave me this suit. Don't know why, didn't ask why. My only concern was killing the demons. While in Hell, the fuckers managed to trap me in a sarcophagus under a fucking temple. Next thing I know, I'm in a UAC facility on Mars strapped to a table. The facility was overrun with demons. I broke out of my restraints and started killing again. Turns out, this asshole called Samuel Hayden was harvesting a form of energy called argent energy without knowing it was Hell energy. It corrupted his colleague named Olivia Pierce who made a pact with the demons for a better body as a reward for letting them into the base. I killed her after she was resurrected as a Spider Mastermind. After killing her, I retrieved a weapon called the Crucible which Hayden stole from me to use as a safe source of argent energy. Knowing that I would kill him for it, he teleported me to a random location using a set of devices called tethers which are found on my suit. O ended up here and you know the rest."

Weiss: "W-Wow. Just wow. You went through all of that just for him to screw you over like that?"

Slayer: "Why do you think I want to kill him so bad?"

Ruby: "One more thing Mr Slayer."

Slayer (annoyed): "Now what?"

Ruby: "Why do you hate the demons so much?"

Slayer: "At first when I killed them, it was just a job. When I got back to my home, not only were all of my friends killed, they killed my bunny and planted her head on a stake. This genocide is me avenging her."

Ruby: "Oh. I-I'm so sorry for your loss."

Slayer: "Don't be, it wasn't your fault, its those fucker's."

Weiss: "Sorry to interrupt, but we're at beacon."

I look in her direction see what can only be described as a castle. Looking at her in awe, I asked.

Slayer: "That's a school!?"

Weiss: "Yes, that's beacon."

A/n: "Well, that's it for this chapter. Let me know what you think and I'm sorry this one isn't that long. Peace out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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