°Apology° (old and unfinished)

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"Thanks for letting come over to your house Tamaki" I walked inside the Amajiki household and looked around "N-n-no prob-problem" Tamaki started walking to his room and I followed "Thi-this is my r-room umm I uh h-hope it's not m-mes-messy" I walked inside his room and looked around "Its actually pretty tidy!" I sat down in front of a small table in the middle of his room and started unpacking my school supplies and my homework, Tamaki sat down in front of me and placed his homework on the table "S-so umm let's start" I nodded and we started working on our homework together.

"Ahh okay I get it now!" I exclaimed after Tamaki helped me understand one of the math questions 2 times. I looked at my phone to see what time it is and realised it was already time for me to go home "Hey Tama I gotta go home now" I started putting my things back in my backpack and headed out of Tamakis bedroom "D-do you w-want me t-t-to walk you ho-home?" Tamaki asked while walking to the front door "No thanks Tamaki! I'm fine on my own" He nodded and let out a quick 'goodbye' and 'be safe'

I started walking home while humming a tune of a song that I listened too. Then I bumped into a a familiar body "Sorry {Reader}!" I looked up too see Nejire "It's fine Nejire! " I got up from the ground and dusted the dirt off myself "I'm super sorry! Uhh..Let's get some food together as an apology!" She exclaimed

"U-um..Yeah! Why not!" I replied, She smiled and quickly grabbed my hand to go to the nearest restaurant.


We walked inside a small cafe and sat near the windows, a lady came up to us to give us our menus and walked away "So what do you want to get?" I asked while looking at Nejire "Gosh, she looks so pretty! Just like a fairy" I thought to myself "Hmm I think I'm gonna get a slice of strawberry crepe cake." she said while smiling, I nodded and looked down at my own menu "Mmm..ill get a rainbow crepe cake."

°My Y̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶e̶ Sunshine°Where stories live. Discover now