Part 20

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Naira’s POV:

I walked into my dance academy. There were mirrors everywhere. Just a few dim lights lighted up the place. The only sound that was heard, was that of my heels hitting the wooden floor. Neither Rithvik, nor Karthik was present there.

“Rithvik ?!! Where are you ?!! I’m here !!” I called out, looking around.

My heart skipped a beat, as a sound of footsteps slowly approaching me was heard from my back. Abruptly, I turned around only to see Rithvik !!

“I knew you’d come.” He said, running a hand through his hair.

“Where is he ?!!” I asked straightway.

“It was pretty easy to convince you to come, wasn’t it ?!!” He asked.

I sighed and looked at him with all the hatred in my eyes, that could possible burn a person.

“You wanted me to come, I came. Now you’ve to let him go. He’s not a part of this.” I said, trying my best to not show my fear.

“He’s a part of it, Naira !! You see, I really love you. But my hatred for him is no less.” Rithvik said.

“What do you want ?!! Me ?!! Fine. I’m all yours. I’ll go wherever you take me. But you’ve to let Karthik go.” I literally begged in front of him.

“That didn’t take much. I mean, it was so easy to fool you, Naira.Again !!” He said.

Me,who had no clue what he was talking about, started to feel that something was wrong.

“What does he mean by he ‘fooled’ me ?!!” I thought.

“I lied. Karthik’s not here. And I don’t know, where he is, but I’m sure he’s gonna feel really bad when he comes to know that his precious Naira is dead.” He said.

I was shocked, angry, betrayed and hurt. I did not know whether I would get out of here, dead or alive.

“Why are you even doing this ?!! ” I asked.

Rithvik chuckled. “Because I want him to feel the pain I felt when I lost you three years ago. Only I know how I have survived. He took you away from me, and now, I’m gonna take you away from him. This time, it’s going to be for ever.”

To that, I just smiled. “I don’t think so. No matter what he did, I love him, and there is nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody who can separate us.” I said.

“That’s pretty intense. You are dying now. So let me tell you the truth !! Another truth.” He said.

“Karthik never cheated on you. I lied, only to turn you against him. I honestly thought that this plan would work out, but that guy has got his hooks deep inside you. You went back to him, and that’s what left me no option but to kill you.” Rithvik sneered at me.

After hearing that, I was shattered. I did not what to say. Suddenly, I was robbed out of my sense. I had been so rude and arrogant to a guy who had loved me so much. Who gave his entire life to me. I trusted a stranger blindly, and treated Karthik so badly.

A feeling of immense guilt washed over me, as tears slipped down my eyes.

“Oh, and one more thing. I tried to kill you that day. Remember that accident ?!! I planned on finishing this little game that day itself. But you survived that day. My bad !! ” Rithvik added shamelessly

On hearing that, I was practically fuming. I had never felt so betrayed, and so angry before. I could literally rip his head off.

“How dare you ?!!” I said, hating Rithvik with all my heart.

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