Chapter 11: A rainy day with a baby

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Third person's POV

The next day Izuku woke up with a headache, Valtor explain to her everything especially about the Trix.

She even explain everything to what happened to her teachers and they understand it.

A month later...

Third person's POV

It has been a month after the fight.

Valtor, was on her room while Izuku and her friends was at the garden, watering the plants with Flora. "This garden is so beautiful!" The nature fairy said in amazement. She notice a dead plant, using her magic she made the plant grew alive making everyone stare at her surprise.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Ochako ask.

"Oh, nothing. It's just I have connection to nature and other living creatures." While explaining, Monoma drank a bottle of water when he felt getting small.

The cry of child now can be heard. They look around to see a baby crying on the floor. Izuku immediately run up to it while Kirishima call the teachers. They saw the uniform that name on Monoma. "Neito Monoma?" Izuku shockly said making the baby cry more and more.

She realize to she done as she stand up cradling the baby Monoma. Aizawa and Vlad king came surprise to see Izuku with a crying baby on her arm. "So, who's that baby?" Aizawa ask pointing it. "It's Monoma, sir." Izuku answer nervously.

"MONOMA?!?!" All the students yelled making the now sleeping baby cried again.

"Shhh, shouldn't yell? Calm down sweetie. Go to sleep." Izuku softly said to the baby cradling him back and ford while humming the lullaby her mother use to sing to her. Baby Monoma snuggle to her warmth and fallen asleep piece fully. All of are all surprise. "Aww, you made him sleep." Flora said in a quiet and soft tone.

"Oi, Deku! How did you do that?!" Bakugo shout earning a hit on the head from Aizawa.

"Nothing, I just learn it from my mother that's all. I still remember the lullaby." She whisper to him.

"Let's think about how to solve this quest later, now go back to your dorms. Midoriya, take care of Monoma for a bit, will you do that?" Vlad King ask her and she nodded smiling.

They all go back to the dorm, Flora decided to go back to Alfea to figure out to what happened to the prince.

I opened the door to see Valtor on the table looking through her laptop. "I'm back." She said turning Valtor's attention to her seeing him confuse. "What's with that baby?" He ask. "This baby is the prince of Lavendel." She said, Valtor's eyes turned wide.

"It must be a spell put on him." He said standing up, Izuku agree. "For now, he'll stay here. Once we figure out how did this happen." Izuku smiles playing with the baby.

Neito giggle to her playfulness. Valtor just shrugg agreeing to it. Valtor took the baby from Izuku since she going down stairs to do a project with her friends. Valtor was now sitting on the bed starring outside the window rain pouring hard. He was cradling the baby when he felt his hair to pull down, looking down to Neito holding his hair.

He lay down putting Neito to his chest and getting a blanket all over to avoid being cold. He look at the baby sleeping peacefully. "You maybe causing trouble here at the campus but now your a baby your sleeping like an angel." He mumbled earning a smile from Neito. A smile planted on his face, now both of them sleeping heavenly.

Class 1 was doing there project when the door knock. Kaminari volunteer to open it to see all the class b standing outside. "Guys, we just wanna hang out. We heard that Monoma turn into a baby so we want to see him." Kendo said.

Kaminari let them into the living room where the others are working the project. "Hey guys, here to see Monoma huh?" Hagakure ask, all class b nodded there heads. "Go ask permission to girl whose taking care of him." Kirishima said pointing to the kitchen.

"Hey guys, dinner is ready!" Izuku walk out to see class b. "Oh, hi class b, here to see Monoma I see. You could see him just promise to join dinner with us." Izuku said, class b nodded happily. "Go wait me at my dorm, I'll be there."

Class b enter the elevator (did they have an elevator there?) and go up. "Oh Izu, we want to see him too, please?" Ashido put puppy eye on her so she can't resist Izuku agree, they shout excitedly and go to her dorm with her.

Izuku opens the door of her room walking inside, she opens the light to see Valtor sleeping on the bed while Monoma is on the side of his arm starring at the sleeping guy. "Hi Neito." She greeted. The baby look at her and chuckled slightly in a cute way. The students in the background awe from the cuteness of their schoolmate.

Neito started reaching for Izuku. Izuku chuckled from the cuteness before going in and caring Neito in her arms. He snuggled into her warmth. "Awe, he likes you." Ashido praise. "Ummm, Midoriya? Who is he?" Sero ask pointing at the sleeping man on her bed.

"Him? Oh, he's just a friend who's staying here in my room." She explain making there jaw wide open.

"Where does he sleeps?" Kendo ask, Izuku pointed to the floor that made them sigh in relief.

"Why does he have to stay here?! Could I sleep here too, Midoriya?!" The pervert yelled making Neito cry.

"No. You. Are. Not."

They heard a deep and scary voice, the man who was sleeping is now awake with a dark aura to what he heard, in that timing Neito giggled at Valtor's action. Valtor fall to slumber again. "No you're not allowed Mineta. He can feed to the sharks later." Izuku joked.

She walk to her friend to see Neito in a closer way. "Hi Monoma." Ashido said waving at him, Neito shyly wave too.

"He is so cute!" Hagakure praise squishing his cheeks. Neito got grumpy and took her hands away from him making the other chuckled.

"Hey, idiots let's eat before the food gets cold." Bakugo said to the hallway.

"We'll wait you down stairs, Izu." Ochako said living with the other.

"Hey, wanna eat?" Izuku ask the sleeping man.

"Just bring me some food here." He muttered.

Izuku rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, I'll take Neito."

"Okay, love you." He muttered again.

I felt her cheeks burn and felt the room with Neito. Inside Valtor was proud that he said that.

After they ate, Izuku request to Momo to create a pack of diapers and a bottle for babies. Momo say yes and give to Izuku she needed from taking care of Neito.

She arrives at her room has a food for Valtor in the container, a pack of diapers, bottle and Neito. They enter the room to see Valtor was now sitting up look bothered. "Hey brought you food." She smiles.

She put down the food at her study table and walk to the bed sitting. "What is it?" She ask sitting Neito down to the bed. "Bloom just called saying they can't find the spell that made him do this or a cure. She it might take a few days to find in the Archive for looking a spell." He explain.

"I understand. Go on and eat, I'll just change him diapers." She reply.

Valtor eats while Izuku is changing Neito some diapers. Neito might felt embarass but Izuku not. After that she starts playing with Neito to the bed. Thunder strikes and made Neito scare. "Aww, calm down. I'm here. When the winter meets the sea, a child will be born from their family, sleep my darling safe sound, the love in will soon be bloom." She sang making Neito kiss her in the cheek.

Valtor turn off the lights and lay down to the bed hugging Izuku and baby Neito. "What a rainy day with a baby." Valtor said making Izuku chuckled.

He pulls the comforter to them and snuggled on Valtor's warmth.

To be continued...

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