Chapter Two

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"Mum, did the mail come today?" James asked, treading down the stairs carefully. He was feeling much better today, but was still quite sore.

"Yes dear, Sirius fetched it. He said he'd bring it upstairs to you," Euphemia responded, looking up from her book.

"Oh. I'm sure he just forgot to give it to me. I just woke up a few minutes ago," James replied simply. He walked over to where Euphemia was sitting in her rocking chair, and planted a kiss to the top of her head before heading back upstairs once more.

"Sirius?" He called, looking for his best mate.

"In here," a voice called from the spare bedroom where Sirius' stuff was. However, even though there was a large bed in the room, Sirius chose to stay on the floor in James' room. He said it was to make sure James was alright if he needed anything in the middle of the night, after his mother had hurt him, but James knew that Sirius just needed to be close. He was afraid.

"What're you doing?" James pushed open the door the rest of the way and entered. Sirius looked up at him with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"What're you doing, mate? You've received a letter from Evans!" Sirius held up the opened envelope.

"Sirius!" James cried, lunging for the parchment in his mate's hand. "That's private!"

"Oh relax, there's- sadly- nothing too steamy in here," Sirius tossed the letter to James, who rapidly unfolded it and began reading.

Slowly, his shoulders began to visibly relax and the tension that had been held in his face lessened.

"I didn't think she would respond," James smiled slightly, running a hand through his hair.

"What did you say to her? She seemed calm, when the last time she had spoken to you, she told you off," Sirius stretched out as he leaned his back against the wall, interlacing his fingers and placing his hands behind his head.

"I just sent her an apology, and admitted that we were wrong for what we did to Sniv- to Severus," James corrected himself.

"Yeah, I saw the part about her asking us not to call him Snivellus anymore. That's rubbish if you ask me, but you do what you want," Sirius shrugged.

James sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed, before flopping back dramatically.

"I really like her, mate. And I know she said she would never date me, but she's more than just a silly conquest. She's bloody amazing," James began.

"She's so feisty, and always speaks her mind, no matter what people think. And she's so bloody smart, but never comes off as a know it all. And gorgeous, oh Merlin is she gorgeous. The way she wears her hair down when she's on a broom ride with friends, it just looks like lava flowing behind her, and her eyes-"

"Mate, you have a problem," Sirius teased.

"It's not a problem. I think it's love," James sighed, sitting up and burying his face in his hands.

"That's what I constitute as a problem," Sirius laughed. "Also, when you do get married and have lots of little baby James' and Lily's running around, you'd better hope they have her eyes, because yours are plain, and hers are-"

"Encapsulating. Gorgeous. As green as fresh pickled toad," James listed dreamily. Sirius stared at him, blinking slowly.

"I was going to say pretty, but uh, yeah. Sure, what you said."


The next few weeks followed a similar pattern- Sirius would wake up earlier than James for the sole purpose of making sure he would intercept the mail first. Every few days, another letter from Lily would arrive, and Sirius would tear into it, reading it first-- you know, for protection-- before taunting James with it.

However, one day when Sirius bounded down the stairs in anticipation for the day's letter, he was surprised to find James already sitting at the table.

"Sorry mate, not this morning," James smirked, hand resting atop an open letter. He seemed to be radiating happiness, and his smile was contagious.

"Bloody hell," Sirius groaned, trying to hide his own grin.

"What?" James furrowed his brows with a confused look towards his best friend.

"She said it, didn't she?"

"Said what?" James' lips tugged at the corners as he desperately tried to suppress his smile.

"She said she'd go out with you, didn't she?"

James couldn't mask it any more. His face broke out into the biggest, cheesiest grin that Sirius had ever seen.

"She did! Merlin, Sirius, I'm so head over heels into her," James rose to his feet and threw his arms around best mate, giving him a hearty (but gentle) slap on the back.

"So where are we going?" Sirius asked, taking a seat at the table across from James. He was itching to put his feet up, like how he would in the Gryffindor common room, but Euphemia would have a fit if she saw his feet on her dining room table.

"We? If I remember correctly, I've only asked Evans on a date," James chuckled.

"Well obviously I have to tag along. Last time you saw her, she about hexed you! I'd just be there for... protection purposes," he grinned slyly.

"No," James emphasized, returning the letter to it's envelope. "And that's a final answer."

"Hold up, mate, aren't you at least going to tell me when it is? I'll be up all night worrying for my dearest friend," Sirius pleaded, giving James the biggest puppy-dog eyes he could muster without turning into Padfoot.

"Oh alright," James conceded with a sigh. "I'm taking her to dinner this evening. But I'm not telling you where, and I'm calling Remus over to babysit you while I'm gone."

Sirius scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah right. Moony can't stop me."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I do seem to recall him howling 'don't stop' one night in the locker rooms," James pursed his lips with a smirk, raising his eyebrows at his friend who was now scrambling for words.

"I never- how did you... You wouldn't dare," Sirius narrowed his eyes daringly.

"Interrupt my date with Evans, and I'll do a full reenactment of what I heard for both you and Moony," James smirked, crossing his arms in front of him. "I'm sure Remus would be very embarrassed."

"Mate, are you threatening me?" Sirius cocked his head and crossed his arms to mimic James' confident stance.

"I don't see it as a threat as much as a fair deal," James shrugged.

"That's low. That's some shit I would've pulled before the hat sorted me to Gryffindor," Sirius grumbled.

"Do we have a deal?" James extended his hand to his brother in all but blood. Sirius hesitated, desperately wanting to crash that date.

"Deal," he thrust his hand out and shook James' hand dutifully.

"Great," James turned to exit the kitchen before pausing, and turning to face Sirius.

"You know I love you like a brother, right Pads? And I'm happy you've found someone who loves you like even more."

Sirius' face blushed a bright red.

"Remus doesn't love me," he spluttered, not making eye contact with James.

"Mate, trust me. He loves you," James snorted.

He turned and exited the room, letter still clutched in hand, leaving one Sirius Black speechless for the second time that morning.


(A/N: I know that there are more popular stories that need updated first, but I had this chapter mostly written already, and wanted to get an update out, so here's another chapter of Wotcher Evans! I hope that it's alright I included Wolfstar, but I honestly think it's canon, despite the comments by one J.K Rowling. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! Stay safe and healthy everyone!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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