Rainy Days

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This feels nice, I think to myself while having my head lay against the cool window, "its going to be a hard shower," I whisper looking at the dark sky. "Did I put away the projector from last night?" Thinking to myself I place my pointer finger under my chin and start to back track, after Daidus came and I gave out the drinks to my friends I couldn't really focus that much at the movies since I was sitting next to Daidus and I just had to fight the urge to lay my body against his since I got super tired and wanted to go to bed...shit I didn't put it away!! Sitting up quickly I run out my room and down the stairs then head to the backyard, sitting on top of the patio table was the mini projector and stand used from last night's festivities with also the piles of movies we watched. Drip I felt a wet spot forming on my shoulder sleeve its about to rain I need to bring this stuff inside grabbing the stand and projector I run inside to place it on the kitchen counter then went back and grabbed the movies.
"There you go safe and sound," placing the last of my things away a sudden wash from my anxieties relieves me, looking out the window once again I watch as the heavy rain hits against the window. And from my window I watch as a figure walks across the street, that's strange who would be out in this kind of weather? And as if my question was being answered the figure put their hood down revealing it was Daidus when he stood next to a tree watching the rain, now my body moved on its own because once I blinked I was already wearing my coat with umbrella in hand and rain boots being worn on my feet.
Daidus P.O.V.
My shoes are all wet, the first thought that popped into my head, maybe coming outside to clear my head wasn't such a great idea after all I ruffle my hair and put my hood back on, what that ginger said is really bothering me.
Dude! Your in love with her!
in love with her! in love with her! in love with her!
Flashback end
"Dammit!" I punch the tree next to me out of frustration, was I really so fast to fall for her? Maybe she is just being nice and only sees me as a friend, that has to be the only explanation, no no no no dude she sang for you at the talent show in front of  the whole school!!! that has to be a sign!!, "dammit! dammit! dammit!," continuing to punch the tree I feel a warm liquid run down my fingers but ignore the pain, "why do girls have to be so cryptic!! My brain fucking hurts!!"
"Well we don't have to be so cryptic if you just don't over think it," I look up to see the one girl plaguing my thoughts, "what did this poor tree ever do to you? Your bleeding Daidus," Y/N places her hands on top of my own making the warm feeling in my chest return, "what are you doing out here angel?" Covering my cuts with a clean bandage she tightens it around my hand, "I saw you walking outside and the next thing I knew my body moved on its own following you here." My heart skipped a beat at her explanation, "you should just go home, I'm only here just to clear my head,"
"What? Did something happen? You can tell me, my friends always told me that I'm a great listener."
Normal P.O.V.
"This isn't something that a girl would understand." Y/N showed a look of hurt on her face, something she wouldn't understand? What would that be? She sat down leaning her body next to the tree, "what do you mean something a "girl" wouldn't understand?" Daidus looked down at her figure, "I mean with guy stuff, girls just never seem to get it and its always a pain in the ass to try and explain," placing a hand on her chest Y/N felt a sting, "so do you just not trust me?" His eyes widen, "of course I trust you!" He turned his body in front of the girl that made his heart skip and invaded his mind everyday, "then why can't you tell me what's clearly been bothering you?" Y/N stood up and looked up at him, "because I lo-" Daidus covered his mouth, what the hell are you doing man? You were just about to tell her something that you can never take back.
"You lo? Do you you hate me? Did I do something to make you feel this troubled?"
"No! no! no!! Your not the problem it was just what one of your friends told me!" Covering his mouth again he really needs to stop exposing himself like this, "I-I'm just gonna go home, this was stupid coming out here only to be more confused,"turning his back to Y/N he started walking home.
Opening my umbrella I grab at Daidus's hoodie holding him back, "at least...let me walk you home my umbrella can take two people," I keep my hold on his hoodie while he took the umbrella as a silent agreement to me walking to his house with him.
Normal P.O.V
"Hmm?" The young man acknowledged that he was listening,
"I won't ask anymore about what is going on in your head, but what did my friends tell you?" Her knuckles turning white with her grip on his hoodie only becoming more tight, should he really tell her about his feelings? Will she even feel the same after he tells her everything? Only way to know, "one of your friends...told me that I....well....that I am in love you," scratching the back of his head Daidus didn't turn his head to look at your expression, "here we are, this is my house," a hand was placed a top of his making Daidus turn to look at the one expression that he never thought he ever see, a blushing red Y/N with what looks to him like she was about to cry, "so are my feelings mutual?" Y/N tried to rub her tears out of her eyes with her free arm.
"Mutual? Wait you actually like someone like me?" Daidus pointed at himself with disbelief/happiness on his face, "of course I do you dumb dumb!!" Dropping the umbrella onto the wet pavement Y/N tried to clear her eyes with the many happy tears coming out, "I always have Daidus! I thought my hint at the talent show was obvious!" She hit his arm.
After that unexpected confession in the rain Daidus escorted Y/N into his home to wait out the shower, "how long have you felt this way?" Leaning against a wall Daidus looked at Y/N with a serious yet soft look in his eyes, "honestly? At first I didn't think that you would be my first choice as boyfriend material," taking off her coat and boots Y/N sat on the floor next to Daidus. "Your immature, a pervert, you never take anything serious, and have a bad mouth,"
"Ugh, that hurt.." Daidus place a hand on his chest.
"But..your a hard worker in school and athletics, a loyal friend to Erold and Fat Guy, and you make me smile," Y/N smiles warmly at her numerous memories with Daidus attempting to make you laugh when you had a bad day. "And you lightened my mood when you got that toy for me at the fair during Fourth of July," Daidus's body stiffened a bit,
"I-I don't know what you are talking about angel"
"If you wanted to be anonymous about that gift then next time don't put a note stating that you were the one that did it," a light chuckle left his lips then he slide down to her level.
"On the contrary, I didn't write the note but yes I did get the bear for you," a light blush dusted his cheeks when he looked into Y/N's e/c eyes, Y/N smiled placing a hand against her crushes cheek. "Then thank you, that was very sweet of you to do that for me," he liked it when she smiled it seemed to always wash away any doubt he had about liking the angel sitting next to him. "I like you Y/N," he said watching her expressions carefully, her smile didn't falter Y/N only laid her head against his shoulder relaxing in his warmth, "I like you to Daidus."
The hard shower turned light as Y/N opened the front door to head home after the two teens had their moment.
"I know!" Daidus suddenly said making Y/N turn in his direction having her full attention, "I know that I am immature, so that's why I won't say the one word that I want to say till I become more mature in your eyes," his hand pressed against her cheek having her maneuver to press herself more into his hand, "I know one thing that I am not immature in."
"And what would that b-mmph" before Y/N could finish her sentence she felt a pair of lips against her own, the kiss was short and sweet and both parties didn't want to leave in the moment but they needed to breathe. placing a hand against her cheek Daidus looked into Y/Ns eyes in a loving manner, "see you in school angel," Daidus said walking away from the blushing inferno Y/N.

I know I know and I'm sorry!!!! It took me this long to finish this chapter and I was procrastinating with it, to be fair I wasn't sure how to start it but now I know and I hope you guys like it. I didn't think that this book would go up to 400 reads already, I'm so glad that people find this book enjoyable to read, thank you so much!!!! Hope everyone is being safe now that school is back on, and don't forget to wash your hands!
~GG out

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