Pt. 1

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One would think spending their special day with their best mate would be amazing. Yet, here Harry was stuck at some sleazy party he didn't even want to be at.

Then again, it should've been expected for being best buddies with the most extroverted person ever.

If Harry had gotten his way, then he'd be back in his dorm nestled under the covers. Mid-binge watching mediocre films on his shoddy laptop that had seen better days and munching on greasy, buttery popcorn while chugging down sugary drinks. Indulging himself all while giving inane commentary over the terrible acting with his best friend because that would be so much more enjoyable. It was something they had always done together every single year. Unfortunately, this time around, it had been out of the question.

Here Harry sat on a questionably dirty sofa beside a couple snogging, bored out of his skull. He'd rather be back in his dorm honestly. It'd be so much better than sitting here feeling mildly uncomfortable with the love birds sucking face and the rumbustious atmosphere.

Watching Niall who was currently chatting up some bird with wine-red lips by the stairs was less than amusing. Never been too entertained after many years of witnessing Niall attempting pull while he sat on the sidelines. What made it all the more displeasing was that the only person amid the sea of sweaty bodies captivated by some girl was Harry's confidant.

He wanted to leave.

Harry's cheek rested against his fist as his elbow was propped atop the armrest, a heavy sigh fell from his lips. Observing Niall doing his infamous "I'm totally trying to shag you" pose: arm braced against the wall, one ankle kicked over the other, and leaning in ever so slightly. With a hint of smoulder in his eyes. It was the stance that came out to play whenever Niall desired to take someone back to his for the night. Harry was half expected to be ditched later on through the night. He was thoroughly annoyed at the thought.

Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time.

A teensy part of Harry wished he was the type of person to enjoy these things. Liked the raging house parties that were loud and rowdy. Basking under the company of any fit bloke that approached him and let loose. Dabbling in whatever drugs had been put under his nose and lose oneself in inebriated tendencies. Immerse fully into the experience and not regret a thing, to come here every Friday night and waste away with his best friend.

Such a far stretch from who Harry truly was. As he would much prefer if Niall sought out to find someone else to accompany him to these events. Harry was not a reveller in the slightest, preferred a quiet night in. Reading a good book or streaming a series while being in his bed where no one could bother you. Maybe study or work on coursework if he wanted to. Pondering about whatever it was going through his mind.

Being thrown into the partying scene since his teenage years had been plain awful thanks to Niall. Harry tried so many times to enjoy himself, like most peers around his age, but he couldn't force himself. Sadly, Niall had never gotten that memo and still thinks to this day that he could change Harry's outlook on it all.

It felt like Harry had been sitting here for hours even though it hadn't been more than two. Everyone that occupied the overly crowded living room was either dancing (more so grinding) or getting pissed off their arses. Some bloke was waltzing around without a shirt and letting whoever have a feel of his hard muscles. Some couples apparently hadn't ever heard of getting a room as they were giving everyone a show as they snogged heavily. One and all having the time of their lives and Harry felt totally out of place.

As if that weren't bad enough, it was scorching in this place; Harry was already starting to sweat. The longer Harry sulked over his misfortune the more he wished he would've left his jacket back home. He didn't dare think of leaving it in one of those "designated coat rooms" god knows if he'd ever get it back.

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