Pt. 3

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Then came the 15th of January and Harry was beside himself.

He was standing in front of his wardrobe with a sea of garments pooled around his ankles, he couldn't find a single thing to wear. None of the tops he had caught his eye nor any of his jumpers. Feeling defeated the longer he keeps looking and a bit annoyed that it shouldn't be this hard to find an outfit to wear on some stupid date Harry didn't even want to go on.

Needless to say Harry was a little stressed out.

Don't get Harry wrong he was far from exuberant over spending his whole night with an admirer, but Harry wanted to at least look put together. God, he would never show up anywhere looking as if he had just rolled out of bed.

Yeah, Harry would rather not.

Other than that major inconvenience in his life, Harry was looking forward to the concert alone. The thought of being in the same room with his favourite band and getting to immerse himself completely was all Harry needed. Hopefully, he could snag a shirt from the merch booth before the night had come to a close as Harry was looking forward to that as well. Might as well make the best of it.

Honestly, the only thing that could make it even better was if Louis would've texted him back and kept up with it through the evening. Keeping Harry from wanting to run for the hills because he was on a date with the wrong boy. Making Harry smile and blush whenever Louis sends him witty memes and asking questions about Harry's day.

So yeah, they've been in contact and had been going back and forth since Harry had been blessed with Louis' number. Lucky that he had even such a thing and that Louis actually wanted to chat with him, not bored yet. Harry relished in whatever his crush gave him whenever they did text, whether it was sporadic or not an everyday thing. Took pleasure in it.

And what Harry would give to have an incoming text from Louis right about now where he could no longer worry about his outfit. He did not want to pull his hair out over it any more.

Yet, here he is clueless as ever and frustrated.

"Ugh, this is so annoying," Harry whined while he swiftly pushed the hangers along the bar, pulling various tops from them to check them out when he thought he had found something. Half wishing he had more time so he could run off to the mall and find something. Anything!

Such a risky move though as he had less than an hour to kill and that left literally no time.

Harry didn't want this to be his problem, would much prefer laying in bed for the rest of the night and watching Top 10 Scary videos on Youtube. But of course, here he is suffering in silence wondering when this misery will end.

Niall that bastard had reached out to Harry last night and had reminded him about the special birthday gift. Harry thought his best mate had forgotten, but sadly he'd been wrong. His secret admirer would set out to get Harry around 18:30-ish.

And no, Harry most definitely did not spend all of his day freaking the hell out, anxious over what was ahead of him. Nervous and shaky at the mere idea of being alone with whoever wanted to get to know him. Not feeling on the verge of throwing up or bite at his nails. Nor hoped for a miracle to come Harry's way to get him out of this dreadful date.

Ugh... Harry was so not ready.

"I really don't want to do this," Harry complained while he glanced at his alarm clock on the bedside table, not appreciating how fast time seemed to slip away. "Niall should've told him no."

The entire concept of going on this date was overwhelming, and Harry hated it. Disliked being set up or pressured into going out with so-and-so. Loved being single and never having to worry about anyone else other than himself. There were no chances for heartache, rejection, or being led on to think there was something special only to be let down in the end. But Niall, that sly fella and everyone else in his life thinks they know what's best for Harry. Have this image in their mind that Harry's miserably single and needed to find someone because apparently, it's the end of the world not having a special someone. Especially being a person that had stepped away from the dating scene for a few years. They all needed to honestly worry about their own selves and leave him the hell alone.

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