Pt. 2

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Days leading up to Harry's demise, he'd be doing the best he could to keep his emotions in check. Did everything he possibly could do to suppress the growing inquisitiveness as the fifteenth grew near. Never hinted at it or brought it up, not giving any hints to Niall that it was on Harry's mind.

But, Harry won't lie, he was quite anxious of the unknown. Not giving a damn whether or not that this bloke had a car or went to uni with them, Harry wanted to know how old this man was. What he looked like and if he wanted to take Harry out for all the right reasons.

Niall being tight-lipped over it was rather odd as he tended to have a big mouth on him.

Harry was confident in the days between the dreadful date that it would've been all Niall talked about. Constantly reminding Harry and trying to do anything to make it sound like a good time. Doing whatever it took to make Harry a little more accepting of the idea. Yet, all it had been was radio silence. Not even Gemma or his mother had gotten wind of it, well at least that Harry knows of. They'd for sure bombard him with burning questions. Especially his sister who Harry thought would have at least hounded him about it by now, being all secretive and making into a massive deal. She had been advocating for him to go on a few dates over the years, so it was expected. Niall had never been good with keeping things to himself, and it's just weird.

In a way, though, Harry was thankful for it as he'd much prefer not dealing with false hope.

It's been a week since Harry had been roped into this unfortunate situation and it was the weekend before the big day.

And he's tried to play detective. Harry attempted to get as many hints as he could conjure up, try to weed out who this mystery guy was. Harry wanted to know every little thing before he spends his night with someone he didn't even know. He hoped that he'd found success among the unideal circumstances as the days passed, but Harry was clueless.

No, he wasn't over the moon about going on a date, but anyone in his shoes would feel the same. Especially if you hadn't had much time left and a best mate that was tight-lipped for once in his life. It was frustrating.

Harry wasn't about to voice his complaints though, the last thing he needed right now was a Niall to even entertain the thought of Harry coming around to the idea.

Playing it coy had always been Harry's skill when it came to stressful situations. Go on about his day and pretend it never happened. Hoping that the subject would be forgotten in due time if no one brought it up. Deflecting and withdrawing.

Over the past few days, Harry had been scoping around his surroundings. Whenever he found himself at the library or he'd accompany Niall to the dining hall. In class or on the bus, walking to and from lectures. Even when Harry was meandering down the corridor, he'd discreetly look, searching for any man with a smirk resting on their lips and knowing eyes.

It had been nothing but an absolute failure.

Granted, Harry wasn't about to throw in the towel yet, he had faith that at the party tonight he'd run into his date. It's bound to happen, right?

After all, Niall did say Harry had likely seen this bloke around.

Then again, Harry had a premonition that this was gonna end up being an elaborate scheme to have him go on a date with some stranger that didn't even go to The University of Cambridge. That Niall was pulling one over his head, knowing Harry would be less inclined to go along with it.

Ugh, Harry hoped that's not what this was, the last thing he needed was to spend his precious time with a man that could've easily lied about his age or god knows what.

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