Chapter 2- Replace Your Heart...!

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Amy's POV-

I got upstairs to my room, for some reason I couldn't stop smiling. As I was walking up the stairs I could tell that he was watching me, but I chose not to turn around. In my bedroom, I had an en-suite so I didn't have to leave my bedroom, to go to the bathroom. I decided that I would have a bath, just so I could relax. I looked a mess the last time I went downstairs so I will have to make an effort when I go down after my bath. After I had finished in the bath, I went to find some clothes to wear, I looked out of the window to check what the weather was like and it seemed sunny. I had unpacked my bags last night when I had got in. I found some denim hotpant shorts and a white vest top and a cardigan with some converse. Once my hair was dry, I straightened it.  After finishing my hair, I put on a little bit of make up, like some mascara and some eye liner. I was finally ready, I left my room and went back downstairs. I walked into the living room, to find the other guys sat in there. Tom was the first one to look at me.  He just smiled at me. Jayne then got up and stood with me,

'Guys this is Amy, my niece I just told you about,' she introduced. They all came over to me to introduce themselves. The first guy had a shaved head, was just taller than me, green/hazel coloured eyes.

'I'm Max,' he smiled.

'Lovely to meet you Max,' I replied. The next guy was tall, had curly hair and blue eyes.

'I'm Jay,' he said as he hugged me. After him was another tall, dark skinned guy..he had the best cheekbones I had ever seen. He said that his name was Siva, he had an Irish accent....I do love the irish accent. The last guy had a fringe sweeping across his forehead, green eyes..they were gorgeous, average height and slim figure...he was really hot.

'I'm Nathan,'  he winked. He gave me a hug aswell, which lasted longer than the times I hugged the others.  I just smiled and said,

'It's great to meet you all,'.

Nathan's POV-

Wow, Amy's good looking, I knew Tom was thinking the same as me, I could see the way he was looking at her. I know I shouldn't even be looking at her as I have a girlfriend but I can't help it..she's so hot. I knew Tom was planning to make a move on her already but you see, Tom's a bit of a player, every time we go out, he ends up with more than one time, he ended up sleeping with 5 girls in the same night. Amy looks like an innocent girl. I finally stopped staring at her and remembered that I had to go and meet Keira in town soon. I grabbed my leather jacket and said goodbye to the lads.

Amy's POV-

I was sat on the sofa talking to Jay and Max, I was getting on with them pretty well, Max was telling me some weird dad jokes which admittingly...I found hilarious.

'What did the grape say when it got trod on?' Max began to say.

'I don't know,' I smiled.

' just let out a little wine,' he laughed. Jay just sat there shaking his head in disgust at the joke. However, I was laughing like a lunatic at it.

'What are you lads doing tonight?' Jayne asked them.

'Just going out for a few drinks with the girls,' Siva replied.

'Why don't you invite Amy to come out, she needs to get out and meet people...what d'ya think Ams?' Jayne suggested.

'I don't mind...but I don't want them to think like they have to though. I don't wanna intrude,' I replied.

'No..I was thinking about asking you. You're more than welcome to come along,' Tom smiled.

'I haven't really got anything to wear, ' I answered.

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