The Egg That Has An Aura

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I'm a young boy out on a trip to Wyndon to see Leon's exhibition match against the Gym Leader, Raihan. This is my first match that I've seen live. All of the other ones I've either seen on T.V. or on my Rotom Phone. "I would now like to welcome you all to this first exhibition match of the year. Please give a warm welcome to...Leon!" Everyone cheered at the sound of his name. They even did his signature pose. "Now we would like to welcome the master of dragons, Raihan!" Everyone also cheered at the sound of his name. I was rooting for Leon because I want to challenge him when I'm older. I know it might sound selfish, but it's true. He's been a person that I've looked up to for so many years. And if I get the chance to battle him, that would be a dream come true for me. 

I thought to myself 'Please win Leon. I really want to challenge you. So please win.' I was so caught up in my thoughts that I completely missed the entire battle.

"David, wasn't that a good match?" My mom asked me.

"Yeah, it was." I had to lie to my mom that I wasn't deep in my thoughts again. When I say again, it's like the five hundredth time. It's always been a bad habit of mine. I was born with this thing that is rare where when you really want something you get lost in your thoughts for hours on end without even realizing it. And I was born with it. Even if people make fun of me and get really mad at me for not listening to them, there is only one person in my life that doesn't get mad at me and doesn't make fun of me. She's been there ever since we were little. I practically call her sister sometimes because she is like the sister I've never had. But there is something deeper than that. "Mom, can we head back home? I just want to get a good rest."

"Yes we can. But I'm pretty sure you were lying to me about the match. You were in your thoughts again, weren't you?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I was just thinking on that I wanted Leon to win so when I am able to go on a journey I can battle him. But it's hard for me when I go too deep in my thoughts."

"David, you need to learn to control your thoughts. Don't just let it keep on taking you over." I suppose my mom was right. Besides, she cares about me and wants me to control this mysterious power. Suddenly I felt an aura power calling to me. It felt like a just got jabbed in the chest. 

"Mom, I need to go somewhere private for now. You just go on home without me."

"Be safe, alright?"

"I will." With that I just ran off leaving my mom to go back home. I didn't know where I was going until I heard a voice coming through my head.

"Come to the hotel." I realized that whatever this thing is trying to do, is that it's trying to lead me to it.

I finally made it to The Rose of the Rondelands Hotel and then I saw an egg lying in the ground. I walked over to it. The egg was colored blue with black tear drop like shapes around it. I picked it up and headed towards the entrance to Wyndon.

I saw my mom walking down the cold, snowy path. I ran up to her as fast as I could without dropping the egg. When I caught up to her is said. "Mom, I found this over by The Rose of the Rondelands Hotel." My mom looked at me in shock.

"Well we don't want it to be to cold, now do we? Let's hurry to the station." We ran as fast as we could, without dropping the egg, to keep the egg warm inside.

We then made it to the station. My mom and I walked in and sat on the train to Wedgehurst Station. While we were talking I started to feel the egg shake. It kept on shaking rapidly where almost every minute it shook faster. Then it stopped shaking. I thought if something bad had happened, but nothing bad happened. The egg started to glow and then there was no egg. The Pokémon popped out of the egg. "Rio." 

"Mom, what Pokémon is this?" 

"It's a Riolu. It is a pretty good Pokémon. But right now you are eight, so you should wait to use it in battle until four years from now."

"I know mom." 

The train eventually stopped after a long while. We stepped out of the station and I looked back around at Wedgehurst where my friend and I always used to play.

We walked along Route 1, with Riolu by my side, to our house back in Postwick. By my surprise there was no Pokémon attacking us, which I can't blame 'em. 

We got to our house. When my mom opened up the door the person that I have always considered my sister was waiting for us. She had a white Pokémon right by her side.

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