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It's the age 737; Today marks the extinction of the Saiyan race. King Vegeta has been slain by Frieza and Bardock has been badly beaten by Frieza's minions. He flies over to round house kick a Frieza lackey and throws him across the space field. Then he flies in front of the entrance of Frieza's spaceship as the Arcosian reveals himself in his chair with Zarbon and Dodoria. His smirked was so classic that it felt natural as Bardock was beaten up.

"Frieza!" *Screamed Bardock* "Why are you doing this to us?! Haven't we done everything that you wanted?!"

"So the legendary super Saiyan is supposed to be you? Well, I'm no monkey, but I know weakness when I see it"

"Weakness?!" *Screamed Bardock with Dread*

"You monkeys are getting too strong for my liking. I wouldn't want you to get ideas of obtaining free will." *Said frieza*

"Then that isn't weakness! You're scared of our power!" *Screamed Bardock as he charged up an energy blast*

While this is happening, a Saiyan family of three has been aware of Frieza's plan for very little and decided to save their lineage at the last minute. The father and mother chose to save their son by sending him to space and to land on a specific planet. Then they can be assured that their legacy may live on. Or so they thought.

"Karla, we're running out of time! Send the coordinates to the space shuttle already!" *hurried Argus as he fastened his son to the pod*

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Said Karla frantically*

Their son was unaware of what was happening until Argus put him in the pod. He looked up at his father with confusion. The pod moved to activation and their son's expression changed.

"Don't worry son. We're gonna get you out of here no matter what" *while closing the lid*

"The coordinates are ready. Let's set our son free" *Said Karla*

Both Argus and Karla held hands as the escape pod directed itself to the south west direction. Their son looked at both of his parents with tears in their eyes. Saiyans don't usually care about their offsprings; Argus and Karla were a peculiar Saiyan couple, so king Vegeta would usually dismiss them, but their son was a work of art in hiding. His power level as a newborn was 10,000 so Argus had to lie to king Vegeta about his son's health. Karla had to make sure his power doesn't erupt out of nowhere and keep him quiet. No one would've predicted what kind of creature this infant Saiyan would manifest into. Not even me. The pod flew instantly at the sound of a beep and the sky held a huge ball of light in the horizon. A scream was heard as the pod was near the exit of planet Vegeta's atmosphere.

"KAKAROT!!!!!!" *Screamed Bardock*

Frieza's super nova landed on planet Vegeta. Causing the ground to dissipate and more destruction as the planet received firestorms around. The pod was shaken by the mere pressure of the dying world, but when it finally exploded, the intensity swayed the pod into a different direction at high speed. The son was understandably scared and so started crying. As he started, his wails were so loud that an annoying ringing can be heard and the pod gets shakey inside. Then out of nowhere, I felt a disturbing yet nostalgic presence that manifested into the Saiyan infant. Intrigued by what I just felt, I decided to take action. As the Saiyan continued to cry, his wails starts to destroy anything in its field. This soundwave hurted my ears so I immediately said:

"Time be Still"

And Time immediately stopped. Everything in the universe has come to a standstill just by my command alone. I flew over to the pod creating a mini atmosphere around us. I made time normal around us as well so its pretty convenient. I opened the pod and the Saiyan stopped crying as I looked into his eyes. As I did, a wormhole appeared behind me revealing a dear friend of mine.

"You came pretty quick" *I said while holding the infant

"Of course! It's my job as supreme Kai of time to investigate any anomalies. Now, who is the one that created it?" *Asked Chronoa*

I showed her who did it and her eyes widened

"Is that a Saiyan?!" *She asked in worry*

"Gee. You're quite perceptive." * I responded in sarcasm*

"How would a Saiyan produce a time anomaly? Let alone an infant!"

"This Saiyan released an immense amount of energy that I cannot describe. It wasn't just the force of a mortal. What I felt was a wave of nostalgia that involved my creation. I felt safe and sound from the sensation. But then I also felt pain and misery from it. I can't understand how an infant can make me feel this way" *I rambled as I caressed his cheek*

"Do you fear that he is some type of threat to your rule? Because he certainly convinced me if thats how you feel" *replied Chronoa

"I fear no threat. Whatever this Saiyan may have hiding within him, I shall see to it. He's very lucky if I do say so myself"

"If you hadn't stopped time, Frieza would've surely killed him"

I looked at the Saiyan with a light smile and his expression was cute. His hazel brown eyes glowing while feels safe in my arms. I don't usually involve myself in mortal affairs since I'd prefer they repent, I can't simply abandon this child for what he possesses, nor can I accept the malevolency of his power.

"Perhaps I shall keep him as my son" *I said firmly*

"Why would you wanna raise a mortal as your child? It'd be smarter not to get involved"

"Because part of me believes he deserves a chance to live. He shouldn't have to die for something he had no control over. Also, I wish to keep his power in check. Naturally, it'd be considered logical to teach him to control his power, but based on what I felt, I would rather teach him restraint. That he be taught to never go full power unless he needed to."

"I see. What will you do about his tail though?"

"Simple. I'll make sure he doesn't get into contact with any blutz waves. If I have to destroy any moons while I guide him, then so be it"

"It would've been easier to just pull it out. You're not thinking on a practical level Melody"

"You would rather see him die by the hands of Frieza? I understand that you're job is to control the flow of time, but can't you turn the other cheek just this once?" *I looked at her with a frown*

"I don't know. I wouldn't have come here if what I also felt wasn't a problem. We are in the age 737 after all. That's over a hundred years from the present"

"Then how about I cut you a deal Chronoa?"

"A deal?"

"If you allow me to keep him as my son, I'll train him enough to join the time patrol. I'll have him restrain his power so he wouldn't cause a problem, but enough so that he'll be useful in time patrol missions"

"Hmmm. Well, it wouldn't be out of the question to recruit another person and we do have a short supply of Saiyans. Alright fine. You can keep him. Just as long as you teach him.

"Thank you. You won't regret it"

With that said, Chronoa went back to the present and left me alone with the infant. He fell asleep on account to our conversation. At any rate, I should get back to the Temporal of time before Whis finds out I have stopped time.

"Release" *I commanded*

The flow time continued on.

Hey there. Its been a very long time since I updated at all in this. I had an ample amount of time to reflect on myself. Now, I just want to bring back the joy of writing fan fics. I Truly want to continue this story but I'm very rusty. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

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