Kaylynn Louise

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I guess you could say she was a lost though, lost cause, charity case, freak.

It wouldn't affect her, She didn't care, She never did. It wasn't that people didn't like her, it's that he didn't like her. He hated her.

The names were just little bumps. The impact of it all was worse than she would ever admit out loud. But that was it.

She was simple, She stayed out of the way. If she wasn't in the way there was no way to cause trouble. That's how it was.

She had no purpose to live. She just did, She didn't feel lifeless it's just that the inner teen inside of her stayed quiet, like her.

It's not that her personality was dull, it was quite bright nonetheless. Nobody knew why she kept to her self like she did. It was just that.

Simple to understand.

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