The Truth

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It was a normal day in the lair. Mikey watching Crognard. Donnie in the lab and Raph punching a dummy. You were watching with Mikey since Leo wants some 'alone time' Splinter went out of the dojo. 

"Y/N" you turned around and went to Master Splinter

"Yes, Sensei?" 

"Come with me to the dojo"

You both made your way to the dojo. Once you came in Splinter gave you an offer

"Y/N, I see you have some potential and I want to train you to become a kunoichi" your eyes widened. 

"It would be an honor Sensei" you bowed making Splinter chuckle. His gaze softened and sighed 

"You have a brave spirit Y/N and that's why you are so special" he gave you a pat on the shoulder and went to his room. Once you were gone you squealed in excitement. Raph was amused

"Congrats Y/N" Raph entered the dojo. Raph became close to you after your brothers' death. He became a big brother to you. Raph was an Aaron and Paolo combined into one 

"Soon I'll kick your butt" you sassed. Raph just chuckled and groped you into an armlock.

"Like that will ever happen" and he messed up your hair. Leo was there, watching you both laugh and talk. His heart clenched. 

He hates it when he sees you with Raph even though he knows you like him. You even share kisses and hugs. What's the point of being jealous when he already has your heart?

But Karai... 

"Since your training starts tomorrow, let me give you a heads up" Raph offered and started to teach you the basics. Blocks, Punches, and Kicks


Leo went to get some fresh air after walking you home. He was confused...

Yes, he likes you but he likes Karai better... 

"Ughh why is love so complicated?"  He buried himself in his palms and groaned

"What love?" he turned around to see the female assassin. She stood next to him and looked at  the amazing view

"It's an amazing view huh?" she looked at Leo 

"Yeah it is" he smiled. Karai scooted closer to Leo making their arms touch. Leo looked at Karai. 

"You know I haven't got my answer" Karai smirked while Leo just chuckled and pulled her closer and softly planted a kiss on Karai's lips

"That answers my question" he pulled away and Karai just smiled. 

"I better get going before my dad goes ballistic" she gave Leo a kiss on the cheek and left. When she left Leo was very happy 

He finally got her... but what about you? 

He even forgot that you were in the picture

He went home happy and it was not because of you...

It was because of Karai...


Mikey witnessed the kiss but didn't tell Leo. He told his brothers while Leo was meditating 

"Guys... can I tell you something?" Donnie and Raph looked at Mikey who was nervous

"Yeah go ahead," Raph said with his gaze still on the comic he was reading

"L-leo h-he"

"He what?" 

"Leo and Karai..." 

"What about them?" Donnie finally looked up from his book 

"I saw them kiss" Mikey looked down and Raph shot up Donnie gasped


"Mikey tell me, is this a prank?" Mikey looked down and shook his head

"Oh my god..." Raph buried his face in his palms

You were hurt once and he will make sure you won't get hurt the second time 

"Should we tell Y/N" Donnie scratched his head and Raph shook his head

"No one is telling Y/N, she's hurt once and we can't afford her to be hurt once more... She lost her brothers don't you think that's enough?" 

"But this is wrong..." 

"I know Mikey... but it's for Y/N's sake" 


You saw them...

Your heart broke... You loved Leo very much even though you weren't in a committed relationship. The girl he kissed was behind your brothers' assassination and he knew very well

Why am I feeling this? 

Tears were trickling from your face. It felt like your whole world is turning around. First, your brothers died, and second, the person you loved kissed someone who killed innocent people

You were devastated. You slammed your hand against your desk and allowed the tears to fall from your cheek. 

Hours later, you calmed down but your heart was still broken. You decided to do something that can cheer you up. Paolo would usually take sticky notes and place them around the house. 

You went to his room and took some sticky notes. You wrote everything you felt and pasted them around your room. 

You realized something 

If you kept quiet about what you saw, you won't break the relationship you and Leo had... 

But can you hide it? Can you suppress yourself from snapping? 


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