Chapter 3

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I woke up looking at the sky, my vision blurry, and my leg throbbing in pain. There was a big fire coming from in front of me. It barely lifted my head up and saw the plane split in a half. I had survived. It was freezing cold out, and something in my leg was killing me. I tried to get up but an enormous pain clutched me down. I looked at my leg and saw that and saw that a sharp metal shard and impaled me. At least it had not gone through my knee. Blood was on the snow, but it stopped. I wonder how much blood I lost, and how long I was unconscious. The only solution left was to pull the shard out. I reached out both of my arms and held onto the metal shard with my hands. I took three deep breaths and pulled it straight out.

"AHHHHHH" The pain was unbelievable. I just laid there, some more blood leaked out. I almost fell unconscious again but slapped myself a couple of times to say awake. I would lay down a bit more, and then see if there were more survivors.

After a while, I tore apart a small part of my jeans with the metal shard that had impaled me and tied it around my wound hard. I got up slowly, my wound still hurting a bit but I managed to walk over to the plane. I went near the plane, and then inside it. No survivors around. I looked to see if I could find my backpack. Oh yes, I did, I found something that looked like a backpack, but it was torn into pieces. I checked my watch, and it was broken. The only thing I had in mind was a medkit or a survival kit on the side of the plane, like a box. I circled the plane, or what was remained of it. There it was! It read "Plane Crash Kit" The only problem was, during the crash the handle had broken off. I could not open it. I grabbed the metal shard and tried to pry it open. Snap! The medal shard broke. My only tool, now broken too. I also just realized that it was freezing cold. There were some twigs and sticks around so I grabbed those and stuck them into the burning parts of the plane. There was a small cave behind where I first was, so I got a stack of my sticks piled them on top of each other. Got the burning sticks and threw them in. Perfect. Now I was a bit warmer. There was also a wind picking up too. I was hungry, not too warm, in pain, and shock. I lay down on the cold rock and tried to go to sleep.

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