Demons in the Chocolate Shop

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Monique has little memory of how she stumbled out of the club and entered Evelyn's car.

Tonight is not going to plan. It's wrong. Everything is wrong.

Rosalie is the doctor.

Rosalie knows of the monsters in the basement.

Carmen is after Rosalie.

Monique speeds out of Fantasy Street, hoping she doesn't come across the cops tonight. That would a disaster.

She over runs a few red lights as she makes her way to Rosalie's shop. By the time she arrives, the feeling of dread has taken its place on her chest. Monique kicks off her shoes and runs into the shop. In her haste, she forgets to take the car keys out of the car.

Monique doesn't knock on the door -she forces it open. The door budges under her weight and flies open.

"Rosalie? Rosalie?" She screams on top of her lungs. There is no reply. Monique fiddles around in the dark until she finds a light switch and turns it on. There's no one there. She carefully makes her way to Rosalie's cooking area.

What she sees makes her heart stop. The world slows down. She feels she's about to die.

Rosalie lies on the floor. Her eyes are open and she stares up at the ceiling. Blood is everywhere. On the walls. The table. The carpet. Even the fridge.

On the wall, written in blood are the words



Blood Red

Blood Red.

Blood Reds are scattered around Rosalie's body. Monique holds down the vomit in her throat.

"You arrived here pretty quickly." Monique jumps as she hears the voice. Carmen is sitting on the table, her legs crossed as she smokes a cigarette.

"What have you done?" Monique's voice comes out as a squeak. She hates it.

Carmen shrugs. "My job."

"You killed Rosalie!" Her voice is loud. Crackling. Desperate.

Carmen stares her down. "What makes you think I am real?"


Carmen laughs. "How do you know I'm real?"

Monique begins stuttering and mumbling under her breath. Carmen takes a long breath of smoke before the smoke slithers out of her mouth, between her teeth, like a snake moving across the ground. "Besides," Carmen uncrosses her leg. "I've just done you a favour."

"I don't understand."

In a flash, Carmen appears in front of her. She stinks of cigarette and beer. The red bow tie is still on her hair. "You'll soon understand," she says before she disappears.

Monique breathes hard. She's hyperventilating. She wants to cry. She wants to run. She wants to scream.

She takes a step back and slips on the carpet. As she moves to stand up, she trembles. There's blood everywhere. Her hands are covered in blood. Her legs and cheek are also violated.

Monique begins to crawl away when she sees their reflection through a broken mirror.

Their eyes glance her way, but they can't see her. They're dressed in black and almost fade into the darkness.

Monique's teeth chatter uncontrollably.

She suddenly feels cold. Very cold.

This can't be happening.





She bolts out of the store and heads into the car. As she speeds away, she looks at them one more time.

Her parents.

Her parents are in Rosalie's shop.

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