Late-Hour Practice

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It was already 3 AM and there was not many left people in YG Entertainment building. Most employees and artists already went home due to heavy rain tonight. They preferred staying warm and indoor in their dorms or homes. Those who were still here are busy in their respected studio and will probably spend their night there.

But on the second floor of YG Entertainment building, in the farthest room, a guy came out from one of many recording studios in YG. He looked at his watch and seemed surprised by how much time he had spent in the studio. Time flew so fast while he was composing and creating new music and didn't realise that he already spent 2 days in the room. He decided to buy a soda first from a vending machine before going home. While drinking, he heard music being played in one of the dance practice rooms. Curiously, he walked closer to the room and took a peek from the small door-window.

Inside of this practice room, there was a girl practicing a dance routine with sweats on her face and clothes. It seems that she had been practicing for hours and none of her members were in the building. They probably went home and decided to take a rest. Minutes passed by and her movements were getting slower and shaky and then


The guy who had been observing from the window hurriedly open the door and going to the girl's side, who's collapsing and falling to the floor sideway.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me? Hey!" worriedly he asked and patted her shoulder softly, trying to wake her up from unconsciousness.

" head" the girl tried to move her body but couldn't due to exhaustion and dizziness, resulted when her head hit the floor.

"Don't go anywhere, I'll go get a drink and wet towel for you" said the mysterious guy while putting the girl's head on a bag so she would be comfortable.

"Hmmm...kay" the girl can only answered half-heartedly.

Minutes later, the guy came back with the promised items.

"Here, drink this slowly and put this wet towel on your neck to neutralise your body temperature. You will feel better after that. Can you open your eyes now?" kindly the guy helped her, one of his arms supporting her back to help her sit straight. First he put the wet towel on her neck and then he helped holding the drink to her mouth carefully.

"T-thank you.... eh W-winner-seonbaenim?!" shockingly the girl just only realised that the one who had been helping her was her senior from one of YG groups, WINNER. Then she tried to stand up hurriedly, but apparently she was still dizzy and almost fell again.

"Woah woah. Take it easy. Just rest a while ok Jisoo-ssi?" Holding her shoulders to prevent another fall.

"Emmmm.. yes, seonbaenim. I'm sorry for troubling you" bowing deep to her senior, feeling ashamed that he saw her in her pitiful moment

"It's okay. It's no trouble at all. Most importantly, why are you still here at this time? It's already 3 AM." he asked while helping her to sit on the floor again with her back on the wall, since no chairs allowed in the practice room.

"Ehm, only practicing, seonbaenim" Jisoo answered half-heartedly while looking down, not brave enough to face her senior.

"Don't be that formal, Jisoo-ssi, you can call me by my name. After all we're label mates" he smiled reassuringly.

"Ok, ehm Mino-Oppa?" said Jisoo while blushing, not used to call him by his name.

"Well I guess that's better. Back to topic, why are you practicing alone and where are your members?" asked the main rapper of WINNER to his junior.

"Ehm, They already went back to dorm. We have tight schedules ahead so I told them to go back and take a rest" answered Jisoo while looking at everything beside the guy sitting beside her.

"So why don't you take a rest too, Jisoo-ah?" Mino asked curiously.

"'s because....ehm.. I had a...a s-stomachache today and was not able to practice much?" lied Jisoo. She didn't want him to know that the reason she was practicing this hard was because the dance teacher scolded her for not memorising the dance steps faster than the other members. The teacher was so mean and said hurtful things that made Jisoo felt insecure by her skills. So since she didn't want to burden her group by her lack of skill, she practiced very hard every day. She would sacrifice everything even her health.

"Stomachache? Then it's a must for you to take a rest also, Jisoo-ah. Do you need me to take you back, i can drop you off with my car?" offered Mino, worried of his junior's well being, but also suspicious by the tone of Jisoo's voice. He thought that the reason might be deeper than that. But for now, he would let it aside.

" need seonbaenim! I can call a taxi later. I don't want to trouble you again" Jisoo shocked  by his offer, and tried to refuse it. 

"I'm not accepting your answer. It's dangerous for a girl to ride a taxi at this hour."

"But......seonbaenim, I'm fine, really, you don't need to do that. I bet you're already tired and i will only be a burden to you." Jisoo tried to persuade Mino to not giving her a ride. One of the reason was because she wanted to practice again for another hour, but didn't tell Mino about this.

"No no it's okay. I really mean it. Beside our dorm is not that far from each other. I can't let my junior take a taxi at this hour and not offering her when I'm able. Now, can you walk? Do you need me to hold you?" Mino asked worriedly, not accepting Jisoo's refusal.

"Ah....I'm fine now, seonbaenim. I can walk by myself. I'm sorry to waste your time." Jisoo bowed to Mino, feeling both ashamed and grateful.

"Well then, let's go" Mino grabbed Jisoo's bag and walked to the door.

"Eh, s-seonbaenim, that's my bag!"Jisoo walked faster to the door, trying to catch up to Mino's long strides. 

"I'm preventing another fall from you, so let me bring your bag to the car, it's also not that heavy. Come one, my car is in the basement" Mino only turned his face to her and smile, showing his perfect white teeth.

"Ah....okay, seonbaenim. Thank you very much." bowed Jisoo again with a wide, pretty smile on her face.

"No problem" Mino said lightly. Then the two of them walked to Mino's car and sped off the night.


Personal thoughts

"I'm grateful to have a kind senior like Mino-seonbaenim. I hope I can make him and Blackpink members proud. I must work harder!" - Jisoo

"There's something suspicious with her behaviour. I have to check a few times so she will not go back home at this hour." - Mino

Author's notes

Do check my other story about Mino x Jisoo on my profile, called "Memoir of Love"

It contains few short stories about them with different backgrounds, themes, and casts. Thank you!

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